(no subject)

Jul 30, 2005 23:40

I decided i shall update now. well its been going bad with my family latly. my grandma is getting heart sergery on tuesday and my dad was in the emergency room this morning(he's all right tho, just in a lot of pain. summer's almost over wich i think is bad and good. i think its good bc i get to see my friends again but i think its bad too bc i don't want to do homework again i like relaxing and reading, playing games,and going on the computer. not having my life school again. o well. i have to go to school monday for a training day, which i expect to be fun. my camp just ended with a concert. i'm so dumb, during the practice, i forgot to bring my mouthpiece with me so i had to go back and get it. duh! i'm not real bright. i even did a solo...oooo...i think it was bad but o well. overall i think it was fun. (ITS A TRUMPET SEE NOT TENOR!!!!, sorry thats a joke from camp) dern little sixth graders messed up our schools so now i can't take spanish!!! ugg, well thats the office ppl's fault bc they messed it up! ugggggggggggggg! as if i don't have anough problems, jeez! right now i am soooo tired, i think i am crossed-eyed.
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