Jun 27, 2005 20:26
100 Question Survey
1) Start time: 8:30
2) Full Name: Kelly ____________ ______________ (you should know it if u know me)
3) Nicknames: Ashenator, Kelly, Kylie (not really a nickname, ppl just call me that), Kaidy (same as Kylie), Kel, KK, H, No-Watermelon Girl, Silver Trumpet Girl
4) School: McIntosh
5) Email: kellybears@msn.com (but you can't email me on it unless you're on my buddylist, so if i don't know you don't even try to e-mail me because it won't work, but if I do know you and your not already added to my buddylist, ask me and I'll put you on)
6) Eyes: Hazel
7) Hair: Brunette (NO BLONDE!jk)
8) Height: 5'3
9) Siblings: 1 sister and "3 little brothers" (not really, only a sister)
10) Ever been cheated on: yeah definatly! lol not really
11)Ever missed school because it was raining: nope, never
16) Cried during a Flick: nope
17) Had a crush on a teacher: nope
18) Ever thought of animated characters as hot: oh yeah...all the time...no
19) Ever at anytime owned a 'New Kids on the Block' Album: No
20) Ever prank called someone: no
21) Been on stage: Yes, the school stage
22) Shampoo: Herbal Essence
23) Colors: Black, Red, Dark Purple
24) Summer/Winter: Winter
25) Online: Yes!
26) Lace, silk or satin?: silk
27) Like Anyone?: not that you know of *wink*
28) Who have you known the longest of your friends: Lybbi
29) Who's the loudest friend you have: uh...my radio
30) Who's the shyest friend you have? my catfish
31) Who do you go to for advice: my sister and mom
32) Who do you get along with: my friends
33) Cried: no
34) Been mean: yes
36) Been sarcastic: Yes
37) Met someone new: Yes
38) Talked to someone you have a crush on: no
39) Missed someone: Yeah
40) Hugged someone: Yeah
41) Fought with your parent(s): Yeah
42) Wished upon a star: no
43) Laughed until you've cried: no
44) Played Truth or Dare: no
45) Watched a sunrise/sunset: yeah
46) Went to the beach at night: No
47) Read a book for fun: Definatly, I love reading
49) Been lonely: yeah
50) Been happy: Yeah
51) Been talking to someone online: yeah
-----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN ---------
52) God/Devil: Yeah of course
53) Love: Yes
55) The Big Bang Theory: no
56) Heaven/hell: Yes
57) Superstitions: yes
----------Random Stuff----------------
59) Who named you?: My parents
60) Backstreet Boys or N Sync: umm...dunno...I have both of their CD's from a few years ago when they were popular, you know you listened to them
61) When was the last you showered: this morning
62) What was the last thing you said when you were online: love ya
64) What is your computer desk made of: Metal
65) What was the last thing that you did today: type this
67) Where would you want to go on your honeymoon: idk
68) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: no clue
69) How's the weather: umm...i don't know...I'm inside because it's dark
70) What did you do yesterday/today: nothing! and proud of it!
71) Things that you find attractive about the opposite sex: My secret
72) How do YOU eat an Oreo: I don't
73) All time favorite TV show: I don't know I have a lot uhh...Lost?
74) Dream car: a car I could never have
75) What do you want to be when you grow up: A PRETTY PRINCESS!! (really I don't know what I want to be)
78) Favorite Number: all odd numbers, but if I had to choose one number it would be 7
79) Favorite food: steak and fries
80) Favorite day of the week: Friday or Saturday
83) If you could change your name what would it be: Kadie, maybe than I won't have to corect people what my name is, but really I wouldn't change my name, I like it because not to many people have it that I know so people don't get confused when they hear my name asking which Kelly
84) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yup! I love Bear With Eyebrows!!! (thats his name)
85) The most stupid thing you've ever done: Do I have to say only one...
86) First Son's name: Dunno
88) First daughter: Dunno
89) Favorite drink: Water
90) You like scary or funny movies: both, but I like to watch them with friends and family
91) On the phone or in person: In person
92) Lust or Love: Love
93) If you could change something about yourself what would it be: EVERYTHING!!94) Do you consider cheerleading a sport: hmm...sure
95) Do you have pets: a dog, dozens of fish, a geko,and a rabbit
96) Who sent this survey to you: No one, but I got it from Ashley
97) What do you think of this person: She's a good friend
98) What is your favorite type of music: dunno
99) Anything you want to say: YES I FINISHED THIS!!!
100) Finish time: 9:00