Jul 01, 2004 17:24
b a s i c s
[x] name: Paulina
[x] screen name: trumpethotie
[x] sex: female
[x] birthday: june 15
[x] height: around 5'6 or so
[x] hair color: brown
[x] is your hair long or short: kinda in between
[x] eye color: brown
[x] siblings: Brenda, and i occasionally get a little brother
[x] who makes you laugh the most?: all my friends
[x] who knows the most about you?: i really don't know
[x] boy/girlfriend status: not yet
o t h e r
[x] do you have a job: i do chores at home and babysit every once in a while
[x] who's your role model: i don't know
[x] what store do you shop at the most: not a specific one
[x] have you ever done any drugs: of course not!
[x] do you collect anything: i used to collect beanie babies
f a v o r i t e s
[x] day of the week: probably thursday or friday
[x] thing in your room: my desk
[x] cd: oldies music, and random spanish music
[x] song(s): mostly random 80's rock from the radio
[x] animal: dogs
[x] ice cream: cookies and cream, vanilla, chocolate, and cheesecake
[x] drink: lemonade
[x] thing to do: go online and talk to my lovers
[x] pizza topping: pepperoni, but i like anything as long as its pizza
r a n d o m
[x] where do you see yourself in 10 years: most likely still in medical school or something pretending to that
[x] if you could live anywhere: spain, italy, anywhere where i feel comfy.....
[x] what age do you want to get married: i would prefer before i'm 28 but i think i'll know when i'm ready
[x] how many kids do you want: nothing more than 2
[x] girl's names: haven't really thought about it
[x] boy's names: haven't really thought about it again
h a v e Y O U e v e r
[x] been in love?: don't think so
[x] lied?: sure, but not to make anyone get in trouble or mad.
[x] cheated on a test?: no
[x] cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
[x] tied your shoes together?: yes, it's quite a funny story
[x] eaten something with a lot of fat?: i think we all have
f e e l i n g s
[x] worst feeling in the world: um... feeling alone in this immense world
[x] best feeling in the world: knowing you have friends, and that you can count on them when you need them
[x] can you define love?: nope
[x] do you get along with your parents?: i try to!
[x] are you ticklish?: yes, but only certain people know my
weakest spots, lol
o p p o s i t e S E X
[x] 1st thing you notice about the opposite sex: are they friendly
[x] perfect "dream" date: don;t know
[x] what do you look for in the opposite sex? are they nice, cooperative, active, dedicated, responsible.....
[x] what does the opposite sex not know about you? i don't know
n i g h t T I M E
[x] what do you wear to bed: disney shirt, middle school PE uniform....
[x] what's your bed time: as soon as i get sleepy
[x] is there a TV in your room: yup
[x] what's the last thing you do before you fall asleep: pray, think of the people i care about (friends, family...)
m i s c e l l a n e o u s
[x] how many schools have you been to: 3
[x] are you passive or aggressive: definitely passive, maybe a little too much
[x] vanilla or chocolate: both
[x] would you rather be hot or cold: cold
[x] what is your curfew: haven't gotten to the point where i need one
f r i e n d s
[x] person you can trust the most: Christine, Lauren, Kayla, Gina, Alisson...mostly all of my friends
[x] what is the best quality of a friend: being able to trust them, have fun with them
[x] what friend do you have the most fun with: Christine, Lauren, Kayla, Gina, all my band geek friends (you know who you are)
s t u p i d S T U F F
[x] do you glow in the dark: at one point my i got glow in the dark rubber bands for my braces, so, yes i think i have
[x] do you posses magical abilities: i wish
[x] do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer: yes
[x] if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be: maybe to be more aggressive.. leave a comment if you have any suggestions
[x] who do you really hate?: i don't hate them, i just don't care about them
[x] what are you addicted to: MSN and AIM instant messengers
[x] do you like jewelry?: depends on what it is
[x] do you wear a watch?: i used to, but it broke during marching season
[x] did/do you have braces?: yes!! and they ruined my trumpet playing career
[x] do you believe in God?: yes
[x] do you believe in love at first sight?: i don't know
[x] what are your favorite tv show(s)?: Band of brothers, most of the Disney channel movies, and random TLC and HGTV shows
[x] what color tooth brush do you use?: blue
[x] is the glass half empty or half full: half full
[x] most dangerous thing you've ever done: i really don't know
[x] are you listening to any of your CDs at the moment: i'm listening to a really cool song i like in the radio
Well, this it it i guess before i leave, but i will be checking the journal at random times so comment on it
I'll miss all of you!!
Love to all