Feb 15, 2005 16:12
I know I haven't written anything as of late. It isn't about not having something to write. I have tons to write. I just didn't feel like writting anything for numerous reasons. After all, I can't say anything grand or positive at the moment. Hell, at the moment I am a bit depressed and just trying desperately to at least smile when everything else is falling apart around me.
My grandpa is in the hospital. And from what I hear, he is not doing so well. In fact, he is doing horrible and he will probably end up passing on pretty soon. There is nothing the doctors can really do for him at this point. My dad has been really taking it hard, especially since he wanted to see his dad once more before he passed on. But it is doubtful that will happen. It's hard though. It's hard seeing someone you view as soo tough and strong in tears. It rips at my heart to see it and I am just trying desperately to comfort him. It's hard on this family. After all, last year my grandma died, (my mom's mom). It just seems too soon for another death. I was hoping we would get some ease but that doesn't seem to be the case.
For anyone who doesn't know, I have taken a semester off of school..if not a year off of school. I can't take it anymore. I am too burned out and stressed that my grades and myself are suffering in the process. I need to get back on track and remain focused..unfortunately current events have made that difficult. And in the same process, I am getting constantly nagged by my parents on various stuff, concerning school and work and what not. I just wish it would stop. I know they mean well but it is only being worse on me.