(no subject)

Nov 11, 2004 16:31

So I know everyone knows today's Veterans day. I hope everyone takes some time today to think about and realize what our soldiers have done for us. Some of us have family members who were in the service. My uncle and both my Grandfathers were in the Military. My Grumpy was in the Air Force and fought in Guam. I found all of his stuff that he brought home from Guam. I found some Air Force Patches and I took a couple because my Gram let me.
I know some people aren't exactly for this war that we're in. And most people think that Bush is going to start a draft. That most likely won't happen but I know if there is, my brother will be more than proud to serve for our country. As are the soldiers there. As much as they want to be home, they know that each and every day what they're doing is protecting our country and saving many lives of those who live in Iraq. Our soldiers there are very very close to their goal. They went in to help a less fortunate country. Think of it as this: you're sitting in your home and you look out side. You see your neighbor beating his wife to death. Then he does the same to his kids. After that, he starts going for your other neighbors house. You watching this all go one..what do you do? Of course you'd call the police right. Well the police wouldn't do anything. They won't come and help. Now your neighbor is coming to your door and wants to kill you and your family. Do you back down and not do anything or do you fight against him?
Well, kids, this is the situation our country was in. Think of the crazed neighbor as Saddam and the Police as the U.N. Of course, your house represents our country and of course, you're gunna help our country right? Well I hope so.
War is never a good thing but it's inevitable. My Pepe has a good way of putting it. As bad as it sounds, a lot more jobs would have been lost without this war. He's seen many wars and every time there was one, there was an economy boost.
I don't think anyone will read this. But if you do remember to say a prayer--although some may not believe--to our soldiers fighting to keep us safe. And, for the probably nobody who read this, thanks for taking that time.
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