Nov 01, 2004 20:10
missed me missed me
now you gotta kiss me
if you miss me, mister
why do you keep leaving
if you trick me mister
i will make you suffer
and they'll get you, mister
put you in the slammer
and forget you, mister
then you'll miss me, won't you?
won't you miss me
missed me missed me
now you gotta kiss me
if you kiss me, mister
you must think i'm pretty
if you think so, mister
you must want to fuck me
if you fuck me, mister
it must mean you love m
if you love me mister
you would never leave me
it's as simple as can be
now you've gone and done it hoep your happy
in the county penitentary
it serves you rgith
for kissing little girls
but i'll visit...
if you miss me....
yeah you're friggen weird and it's starting to hurt...actually it has all along but I'm just trying to not let it bother me
if she's all you want then why do you fool around?