I should really go to bed soon, but in a couple of hours I'll be getting up for my flight to London, where there will be shenanigans with
buddleia, and
pierydys before I head on up to
nopseud's to start Caaaaaamp with some of my favouritest people in the world.
Intermittent internet access, though I'll have internet on my phone. If there's anything urgent, drop me a comment here. I'll still be checking emails. If you know 'em, you can also contact me through lj email, twitter, FB or Ping. (However did we manage before social media or email?)
Alternatively, if any of the members of NKOTBSB do something that you think I need to see, this is my humble plea to please drop a comment here so I can squee and flail and be generally gleefaced. :D Thank you!
comments at
Dreamwidth. Comment at either place.