I'm all signed up for
MTYG this year. Have you? :D
Finally started on the latest series of Who and OH. MY. GOD. Just. Words cannot explain how much I am liking Matt Smith. Tennant is incredible, but Smith is just. God I'm going to run out of episodes soon and I am going to be super sadfaced when I do.
This mother and son team from Vampires of Venice, did anyone else get a Lynncest vibe from them or was that just me? (Don't get me started on how the Dalek boyband would go "Bye. Bye. Bye. EXTERMINAAATE.")
So now not only has Olivia Wilde been cast as Justin's mother in the upcoming movie that involves a society that stops ageing when they reach 25, but Johnny Galecki has been cast as Justin's best friend. So much wrong in that sentence I don't even know where to BEGIN.
Also, which one of you lot coded this?
Justin Timberlake Dress Up.
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http://trumpeterofdoom.dreamwidth.org/805510.html. Comment at either place.