Justin Timberlake confesses his biggest fear With six Grammys, an Emmy and a budding acting career, Justin Timberlake’s on top of his game and doesn’t fear much of anything - except the woman who gave birth to him.
“I try not to be afraid of anything,” JT told Life & Style before adding, “I’m still afraid of my mother, but I think every grown man is!”
When asked for the best advice his scary mom ever passed his way, Justin joked, “‘Answer me when I ask you a question!’ and then I’d start to answer and she’d go, ‘Shut up when I’m talking.’”
Despite the intimidation factor, the actor-singer counts his mom among his best friends, and assured the magazine that she’s handed him some valuable bits of wisdom over the years.
“One of my childhood idols was Michael Jordan, and my mom said that just because he plays basketball better than anyone on the face of the earth doesn’t mean he’s better than everyone,” Justin said. “It just means he plays basketball better. I think my mom knew I had a knack for performing and wanted to instill in me that, basically, we all put our pants on the same way.”
The typically tight-lipped crooner also talked romance, and when it comes to “his type,” he admitted he’s not looking for a woman like dear old mom. In fact, his ideal woman is “about 5-foot-7, nice butt, Midwestern, kind of German last name, green eyes, big, pouty lips, fair skin, ahh… sinewy body…”
Nice way to avoid saying the words Jessica and Biel, Justin.
In other news, I'm just watching one of the worst ideas ever: a book group made up completely of UK Big Brother contestants (including Germaine Greer) discussing George Orwell's 1984. I don't even mind the other contestants, especially since I never watched Big Brother (Vanessa Feltz needs to go away though), but I want Germaine Greer to go away even more. It devolved into a discussion about how Big Brother really wasn't like 1984 (DUH). Oh the stupidity. I will never get those five minutes back ever again.