where i'm going is really anybody's guess, DAMMIT

Jun 23, 2007 20:04

I have to thank turloughishere for the lovely lj v-gift I got from her (a lollipop!). Thank you so much, I really needed that. :)

The limbo continues. Only four more days before my supervisory meeting, where there is the possibility of finding out all my raw scores, from which I can calculate my total. This is me not trying to panic. In the meantime, I've developed some frightening habits while I'm asleep. I've been waking up and finding out that I'm grinding my teeth, which I NEVER have done before. That's usually my sister's thing. The newest and most scary one though, is where I BITE MY TONGUE WHILE I'M ASLEEP, and waking myself up in the process. My tongue is actually sore from all of this, ow. All of this while every night I have the same dream about my teeth falling out. *headdesk*

Also, a meme. And no, I won't make everyone write Letterboys. No, REALLY. I promise. I can be nice too!

Comment to this post with an offer to write in any fandom that you and I have in common. I will answer with a prompt. Then, you will write me comment-fic, snippets, or whatever comes to mind. Now go post this in your own journal and demand fic of your very own! Make your flist work! You had a long week and you DESERVE it, dammit!


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