Happy Mothers' Day to all the mums on the flist. :)
In about 27 hours I'll be getting on my train to Manchester to meet up with
simply_fly_away and
_ducks. Oh, and one more guy. I think you guys would know him. You know, Jason Timberlake of the Backstreet Boys? :D
Seriously y'all. SO EXCITED ZOMG. The only thing that could make this better were if I actually had our tickets in hand. Yup, our tickets got lost in the post, and now we have to collect replacement ones at the box office. STUPID ROYAL MAIL. And dude, I collect ticket stubs, and not having Psychotic!Justin's face (framed with a broken discoball, no less) on my ticket will make me a very sad bunny.
Still, Justin! ♥ Also, we have fantastic seats. Front row of lower tier, in a block slightly to the side of the stage.
_ducks isn't sitting with us though, but she's still in our block, and in her words, like a very inept stalker. *g*
And after that I think we have a UK sparkly gathering in less than two weeks. Whee!
Also, I have crumbled in the face of pressure, and got my own
Twitter. At the very least, it's got naked AJ as its background. Also also! I got a
Tumblelog to post random things I find on the internets. Go on, add me! And tell me your usernames if you have Twitter as well. It may be fun to play with it, but it's no LJ in terms of social networking, and it's nigh on impossible to find people.