Season 4 was ridiculously, due to the writer's strike going on at the time. Still, props to the writers for how much they were actually able to accomplish within the season. Working with flashforwards must've been a nice creative change. Plus, the complexity of the Oceanic Six. The progression of what happens to allow them to leave the island, and the consequences they must face back in the real world. Especially for Jack, once he realizes that Locke was right-they were never meant to leave.
Season 4 reminded me of Season 1, in that it was a lot of action and series of events, less focus on the strangeness of the island or complexity of character relationships (at least, until the season finale.) It does do a wonderful job of working on Locke. Terry O'Quinn is wonderful in how he shifts his character ever so slightly, making him go from a driven (and naive) hero to one with questionable motives.
The greatness of Season 4 is that it introduces a new group of people for the survivors to interact with. What was 815 vs. the Others becomes 815 and the Others vs. the boat (although, sometimes, still 815 vs. the Others). And, of course, like all things, there is never a clear answer on who you can actually trust.
which is just the way I like it.
"Live Together, Die Alone" :6
The Beginning of the End:
-Hurley, (in a police chase to get away from seeing the ghost of Charlie) drives through mangoes. Jack watches on TV and Hurley tells them "I'm one of the Oceanic Six!"
-Hurley being questioned by Ana Lucia's partner, and then he sees Charlie drowning in the glass.
-"I can't believe I'm going to have my baby in a hospital!" -Sun "Oh, don't rub it in!"-Claire
-Ben asking Rousseau to take Alex and get away from there
-(TEARS) Desmond comes back and Hurley asks him where Charlie is
-HEY! It's Broyles from Fringe!!!!
-Chalkboard in the back at the mental hospital depicts a shark attacking a raft and an island
-Broyles asking Hurley if everyone else is still alive on the island
-Hurley sees "Jacob's" cabin
-"Ok, I probably should've told you that she took the phone, but you'd beat me up, Jack."-Ben
-Locke finds Hurley, after he's freaking out about the cabin
-(TEARS) Hurley tells Claire that Charlie is dead
*-Hurley (painting a picture of an igloo...Ben later on?) sees Charlie outside the mental hospital. "I am dead. But I'm also here."-Charlie
-"They need you, Hugo. You know they need you."-Charlie
-Jack shoots an unloaded gun at Locke (although he didn't realize it was unloaded)
-(TEARS) Hurley standing up for Locke, standing against Jack "I'm listening to Charlie" and goes with Locke to the barracks. And the group splits up.
-Jack comes to see Hurley in the mental hospital
-Helllllllllllo, Daniel Faraday!
Confirmed Dead:
-The fake Oceanic 815 under the ocean
-"I'm Daniel Faraday. I'm here to rescue you."-Daniel
-Locke, always enjoying the rain :)
-Locke and Ben realize that Hurley has seen the cabin
-Locke shows the bullet wound where Ben shot him "I'd probably have died if I still had a kidney there."
-They find Miles, an-d he talks to Naoimi's dead body
-"The LIGHT! It's strange out here, isn't it? It doesn't...scatter...quite right."-Daniel
-Charlotte sees the polar bear bones in the desert with the Hydra symbol on it's collar
-Charlotte is found by Locke's group
-Frank knows the plane underwater is fake!
-Frank, face to face with the cow. MOO!
-"Who are we to argue with taller ghost Walt?"-Sawyer
-Frank knows that Juliet wasn't originally on the plane.
-Locke asks Ben about the black smoke
-Ben knows all of the information on Charlotte, Frank, Miles, and Daniel. "What do they want?"-Sawyer "Me, James, they want me."-Ben "How do you know all this?"-Locke "Because I have a man on their boat."-Ben
-Lookit Bryoles, looking the same as he does in Fringe!
The Economist:
-Sayid, playing assassin after returning to the real world
-Locke not acting like he smokey already?
-Faraday's experiment with the beacon not arriving, despite supposedly being shot there and already hit the ground
-"Oh, awesome, the ship sent us another Sawyer."-Hurley (about Miles)
-Faraday realizing the time difference between the ship and the island
-Desmond with his shirt half open :)
-Sayid finding the secret doorway behind Ben's bookshelf. I want one of those! Look at all of Ben's passports!
-Sayid agreeing to turn over Miles for Charlotte.
-That woman's name is Elsa! Like from Indiana Jones!
-Sayid working for Ben!
-"You're more lost than you ever were."-Ben (to Locke)
-Drinking from Dharma mugs lol
-Kate scooby-doo's Hurley into telling here where Locke has Miles locked up
-Kate being on trial in the real world, and Jack serving as witness to her character
-"And the rest of the group, what are they saying?"-Locke "I think they're saying BAAAAA"-Sawyer
-"What, the boathouse down by the dock?" If Huge knows, everyone knows."-Sawyer
-Locke banishes Kate
-Kate's mom talks to Kate, saying she doesn't want to testify against her anymore
-Sawyer tells Kate he'll keep her safe
-Daniel and Charlotte trying to memorize cards ("Two out of three? Is that progress?"-Daniel) What's that about?
-Kate has Aaron!
*The Constant:
-Desmond time traveling again, this time back to the army, and then back with amnesia
-The change of time of the island vs. the boat
-Faraday tells Desmond to find him back in 1996
-"This is where I do all the things Oxford frowns upon."-Daniel
*-Eloise runs the maze perfectly, before she even learns it
-Penny is Desmond's constant <3
-"Uh, who are you calling?"-Daniel. I'm calling my bloody constant."-Desmond
-Painting of The Black Rock (journal of Hanso family!) And Widmore bidding on it!
-Penny gives Desmond her phone number. "I won't call for eight years. December the 24th, 2004. Christmas Eve. I promise."-Desmond
*(TEARS)-Desmond calls Penny <3
*-"If anything goes wrong, Desmond Hume will be MY constant."-Daniel's journal
The Other Woman:
-The awkwardness of them forcing Ben's "crush" on Juliet
-Goodwin and Juliet
-The Tempest! An electrical station!
-"It's very stressful, being an Other."-Juliet
-Ben have a crush on Juliet because she resembles his mother?
-"Rabbit again? This didn't have a number on it, did it?"-Ben
-Ben makes Goodwin go to the tail section as revenge for Juliet's affair with Goodwin
-Ben vs. Widmore
-Juliet sees Goodwin's dead body, and Ben freaks out, saying that she is his.
-Juliet and Jack kissing. Lols they don't even end UP together!
Ji Yeon:
-Jin wanting to name his daughter Ji Yeon
-You think they both have flashforwards, but only Sun does. Jin is having a flashback!
-Juliet, to get Sun to stay on the beach, tells Jin that Sun had an affair
-Jin and Bernard talking, the only married guys, talking about karma
-The woman on the boat commits suicide, and the captain tells them to ignore her. Captain tells them that it's Charles Widmore's boat, and Desmond is all like whhhaaaaaaaaat?
-talking about staging Flight 815 at the bottom of the ocean. They think Ben staged it!
-(TEARS) Sun gives birth
-Blood stain on the wall from someone shooting themselves, and Michael cleans it up. Ben's spy! (Bet Desmond doesn't know Michael, does he?)
-Jin forgives Sun for her affair
-Hurley comes to see Sun's daughter :)
-(TEARS) Sun and Hurley bringing Ji Yeon to Jin's grave (but he's not dead! He's in the 70s!)
Meet Kevin Johnson:
-Sawyer shooting daggers at Ben
-"Why are you on this boat?"-Sayid "I'm here to die."-Michael
-Ben sends Alex, Karl, and Rousseau to the Temple
-Michael wakes up (dreaming) and sees Libby
-Michael tries to see Walt (at his grandmother's house), but he refuses to see him. 'Cause he knows what Michael did to get him off the island (killing Ana Lucia and Libby)
-Tom stops Michael from committing suicide "Manhattan, eh? We let you leave one island and you just go to another!"-Tom
-"You can't kill yourself! The island won't let you."-Tom
-Awww look, Tom's lover! Boyfriend?
-Tom says Widmore faked the plane crash at the bottom of the ocean, with evidence that Widmore did it.
-Miles knows that Michael's name isn't Kevin
-Libby (the island?) Telling michael not to blow up the boat. He does, but it won't go off. Note pops up saying "not yet"
-Sayid turns in Michael
-They shoot Karl, and Alex, and Rousseau run for it, but Rousseau is also shot
The Shape of Things to Come:
-"My gut says we're getting off this island."-Jack "I thought your gut was sick."-Kate
-the body of the doctor from the boat floats up, his neck slit
*-"Australia's the key to the whole game."-Hurley
-Ben playing piano :) and a shotgun in the bench hahah
-Ben waking up in the Sahara Desert (in a Dharma coat) like the polar bear!
-"When? When is...kind of a relative term."-Faraday
-Ben staying in Tunisia under the name of Moriarty
-Claire's house gets bombed, and Sawyer saves her. Claire wakes up asking for Charlie
-Ben finds Sayid at Naydia's funeral (dressed like Indy!)
-Keamy kills Alex, making Ben SHOCKED and hellbent on getting back at Widmore "he changed the rules."-Ben
*-Ben calls the man in black to take revenge for him
-Sayid signs up to work with Ben "I have no life. They took it from me."-Sayid
-(TEARS) Ben kisses Alex's body goodbye
*-Ben visits Widmore in his penthouse. Ben threatens to kill Penny, Widmore threatens to take the island back.
Somethings Nice Back Home:
-Jack and Kate playing house
-Miles talking to the dead (Rousseau and Karl)
-Juliet going to take out Jack's appendix
-"People get sick, Rose."-Bernard "Not here. Here, they get better."-Rose
-Jack got sick 'cause island doesn't want him to go?
-Jack sees his father in the lobby, and goes to visit Hurley in the mental hospital (and Hurley thinks they're all dead) "It all seems so perfect...just like Heaven...I was happy too Jack...and then I saw Charlie."-Hurley
-Hurley gives a message to Jack from Charlie "You're not supposed to raise him, Jack."
-Sun asking Jin in Korean if she thinks Charlotte knows Faraday likes her. And Charlotte smiles, understanding them
-Jack watching the mental hospital at night, looking for Charlie
-Jack asks Kate to marry him
-Jack sees his father a second time in the lobby, and he asks a fellow doctor to prescribe him medication (that he gets addicted to)
-Kate talking to the woman Sawyer conned on the phone as Jack comes in, and he gets jealous
-Claire sees Christian holding Aaron (smokey or the island?) and Miles was able to see him!
Cabin Fever:
-Locke's mother getting hit by a car, gives birth to Locke in the hospital
-"I have no idea where the cabin is-Hugo's the last one who saw it!"-Ben
-Doctor on the boat isn't dead yet!
-Island still won't let Michael die, but that still won't let Michael die, but that does mean he's in a lot of pain.
-Locke sees Horace building the cabin, cutting down the same tree. "I'm not making any sense, am I?"-Horace "No."-Locke "That's probably because I've been dead for twelve years."-Horace
*-"I used to have dreams." -Ben (to Locke)
-Richard looking in on baby Locke (like the observer!)
-Ben shooting daggers at Locke when he brings up the Dharma Initiative being dead
-Richard visiting young Locke (playing backgammon) and there's the drawing of black smoke killing a guy (jacob?) Locke picks the sand, compass, and knife as belonging to him (knife he uses to kill jacob?)
-Richard trying to recruit Locke in high school to come to the island
-"Because destiny, john, is a fickle bitch."-Ben
-"Guys? Cabin."-Hurley
-Broyles seeing Locke in the hospital. "You know what you need, Mr. Locke? You need to go on a walkabout."
-Locke goes into the cabin and sees Christian and Claire
*-"How do I save the island?"-Locke
*-Hurley and Ben sharing a candy bar
-Locke says they need to move the island
There's No Place Like Home (Part 1):
-The dropping off of Oceanic Six and them seeing their families
-Keamy's people using secondary protocol- going to the Orchid
-"Hold up! You don't get to die alone."-Sawyer
-Day 108: the fake day the oceanic six "escaped" the island
-The press conference for the Oceanic Six, and Sayid is reunited with Nayida
-boxes hidden in rocks all over the island. love it.
*-Sun betraying her father by buying out his company
-"Jesus Christ is not a weapon."-Hurley's mom
-Hurley's island themed birthday party
-The numbers being on the mileage of the car hugo's father fixed up for him
-"When are you EVER entirely truthful?"-Locke (to Ben)
*-Christian's wake, where Claire's mother stopped by and let him know that Claire was his sister (which means her mother got out of her coma!) and Jack now knows he's related to Aaron
-The Others surround Kate and Sayid. HI RICHARD!
-"How many times do I have to tell you, John? I always have a plan."-Ben
There's No Place Like Home (Part 2):
-Locke's code name: Jeremy Bentham
-three year's difference of when they left the island
-The others attack Keamy so Kate can rescue Ben
-Walt comes to visit Hurley
-Ben mocking Locke for not knowing which flowers to look for to get to the elevator
-Charlotte has been on the island before! as a child!
-Locke and Ben's relationship is so wonderfully complex
-Lost video extra was filmed in the Orchid!
-"Is this the magic box?"-Locke "*internal eye roll and extreme exasperation* No, John, it's not."-Ben
-Locke watching another Dharma video
-"If you mean time traveling bunnies, then yes."-Ben
-Neither the boat nor the island is safe!
-Sawyer jumps out of the helicopter to save them
-Sayid busting out Hurley from the mental hospital (and Hurley's playing chess with Mr. Eko)
-Christian shows up to Michael right before the boat explodes "You can go now, Michael."
-Sun believes Jin is dead :(
-Sun talking to Widmore, wanting to him him (find the island? find Ben?)
-Ben putting metal in the vault
-Juliet drinking on the beach when Sawyer swims out of the ocean, and gives him a quizzical look. Now Sawyer thinks Kate is dead 'cause he can see the boat's smoke!
-"Whoever moves the island can never come back."-Ben (but he does!)
-"Goodbye, John. Sorry I made your life so miserable."
-White rock and black in the tunnel to the island's wheel
*-Ben turning the wheel to move the island (making the island's light GLOW) and the entire island disappears into the ocean.
-The island calls Kate and Claire is there with Aaron (telling her not to bring him back). She wakes from her dream, freaked out
-Jack tells them (As suggested by Locke) that they're going to have to lie to the real world
*(TEARS) -Desmond and Penny are reunited and kiss <3
*-Jack visits Locke's body, and Ben comes to convince Jack that he needs to make everyone return to the island, including Locke's body.