OOC: stats, permissions and crit

Feb 14, 2009 15:41

Age: 17
Height: It's never said, but he seems pretty tall compared to the other people. So I guess taller than a normal teen, but not quite as tall as an adult?
Weight: average
Medical Info: no special medical info, other then what's in the powers section.
Eyes: yellow-brown-ish
Hair: light brown-ish
Physical traits: he's kind-of tall and twiggy, but other then that nothing.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Say what you like! :D
Abilities: So he's got a lot of powers. I'll break it down by numbers.

1: transformation - he can turn into any living thing, even something as small as a microbe. I think he might be able to turn into plants, too, but canon's not too clear on that. But it has to be alive somehow for him to transform into it.

2: psychic abilities - canon calls them this, but from scenes in the manga it looks like levitation and telekinesis. And he's pretty good at both of these, too: he goes up pretty far into the atmosphere at one point, and he throws around mortar shells and beds like they're nothing at all.

3: healing - this is never specifically talked about, but he manages to heal someone from a fatal wound once. So yeah, he has healing too.

4: prophetic dreams - since he's supposed to save the world and all, he has prophetic dreams about what's going to happen that will destroy the world. They seem pretty vague, though. For example, the one he had in canon was about a meteor destroying the Earth, and he just saw a bunch of bright light envelop the world. These dreams seem to be limited to this sort of thing, though.

5: 6th senses - he seems to be aware of what's going on around him. This one seems to take focus, though. When he was waiting for someone to show up he managed to sense them before they arrived, but later on people were able to get the jump on him because he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. So I guess we can go with if he's actually LOOKING then he'll sense people.

6: ETC. - He does some stuff that can't be explained well. When he charges up to OVER 9000!!!11!1 he grows small plants all over his body, and one time he made a black hole.

Notes for the Psychics: CRAZY MAD POWERFUL! And since nobody else in his world has any powers, he's probably not so good at hiding his aura. Also, he's pretty laid-back and carefree about his powers, so he's very zen most of the time.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: For bodyswap, PLEASE talk to me first. Otherwise, feel free to do any of those.
Maim/Murder/Death: Warn me for death situations, since Satoshi is the kind of person who would GTFO or do something to protect himself if he were in a life-or-death situation, but otherwise feel free to do this. Just not that he is a bitch to kill because of his powers.

Cooking: His cooking is A+

Also! Any crit/questions you have can go here. I have comments screened, and anon commenting is turned on.
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