Why write?

Nov 02, 2014 17:49

The need to write, and I emphesis the NEED to write. It is as if it is a poisin that has to get out of you or you will drown in its excess emotion. By spilling the words out to be read, it calms all the words that have cluttered up your mind with noise. All of a sudden it as if all the trains have come and the station has cleared so that you can now see your destination across building . Now you don't have to blindly head a direction being bumped by obsicals on the way.
It seems as if writers all have the common past of not being able to  fully express their feelings during growing up. There was always the unspoken built up emotion that wasn't being dealt with. By using writing as a way to work through these problems as stories is a way to work through them. Many different appoches can be worked out and saw through to the end with out any actual harm or bad outcomings to the real person. Having characters deal with the anger, hurt, uncertintey, greif, etc. instead give you a sort of freedom.
Having a very domminate patrinal upbringing and  not being able to express my feeling on subjects because I was a woman I tend to give a strong voice to all my woman characters. In counter many times I emhises the male traits as being cruler.

and edit to fit 1200 words.

The need to write, and I emphasis the NEED to write. It is as if it is a poison that has to get out of you or you will drown in its excess emotion. By spilling the words out to be read, it calms all the words that have cluttered up your mind with noise. All of a sudden it as if all the trains have come and the station has cleared so that you can now see your destination across building . Now you don't have to blindly head a direction being bumped by obstacles on the way.
It seems as if writers all have the common past of not being able to  fully express their feelings during growing up. There was always the unspoken built up emotion that wasn't being dealt with. Many different approaches can be worked out and saw through to the end with out any actual harm or bad out comings to the real person. Having characters deal with the anger, hurt, uncertainty, grief, etc. instead gives you a sort of freedom.
Having a very dominate paternal upbringing and not being able to express my feeling on subjects because I was a woman, I tend to give a strong voice to all my woman characters. They can stand up to things I never felt I was able to. They have the voice I always wanted.
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