Obituary of Louis and Henry

Jan 08, 2014 01:09

Pig* Sutleeii APPLETON POST-CRESCENT THur*Hay Ev*nih*, June 25, 1931 HOLD FUNERAL FOR 2 VICTIMS r OF POISONING H. ' " . . - Henry Kopitzke and Louis ."Hoffman Are Buried " at New London Anti-Saloon League Men Debate On Prohibition , 4 . ; Special to Post-Crescent ' New London--Funeral services for Louis Hoffman, 33, and Henry .Kopitzke, 48, victims-of a poisoning at a ibarn dance-in Waupaca-co last Saturday night, were ;held here yes : terday. ' · : -: Military services' marked the funeral of Mr.-H6ffnian. Services were h'eld at the Hoffman home on Shloc- ton-st at,'10:30 .Wednesday morning. Following--the service in which the Rev. Otto Kolbe, of : Most Precious Blood church : and-Dr; Melvin Borchardt, acting as legion chaplain, officiated. The body; was taken to the Catholic "cemetery, for burial.. . Sixty-two, legionaires, many of ·whom were fellow -'service''men of the 10th Supply train of the- ::32nd Division, of which Mr. Hoffman was a -member, took -part-in- :the;.service; Pallbearers were Leonard', .''Manske Austin Dexter, Martin Abrahkm, Robert Huntley, George Meartz.and Ira.McFaul. Color bearers were William Whitman and Ray Prahl, while the firing: squad was mede,up of iii. G^ : Browri, .Earl Frederichs, 'Elmer Quandt, Henry McDaniels, Harry Huntley, David Manwarning, L. A. Borchardt: iuid Henry Hernke. ' The color, squad- was Frank Meyers and John Baker. : Clayton Bender acted as bugler in. the sounding-of taps. ., · Those pres:ent from out of the city were: Mrs. 'Ernile Brault, Perkins, Mich., Mr. a.nd Mrs. William Koepke, Fond du-,Lac, Mr. and:Mrs. William Utecht, \ Oshkosh, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur.Park,\.Miss Eloise Sommers,- Ap'pletpri; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ko- .pitzke, Miss BTvelyn Kopitzke, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Elendt, Weyauwega; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reidl, Mr. and Mrs.', Frank · Reidl, .- Miss Catherine Reidl, Mrs. Clarence Som- :iners, George Reidl, Mr. and Mrs. William Stray, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Geralds, Miss M~~rie Steger and- Mrs. Henry Vanderlibden, Appleton. Kopitzke Funeral Services were held at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon for Mr. Kopitzke. The service at the home of · Mr-- and Mrs. William Kopitzke, Quineey-st, was followed by rites at. Emaniiel Lutheran church, the Rev. Walter Pankow in charge. Burial was in the family lot at West Bloomfield. Pall, bearers' were selected from the labor union of which Mr. Kapitzke-'was a member.' This group-included: John Viel, William Knapp, Fbrest Poppy,'Ira McFaul, Hazil Me- Gowan and George Polazki. Those attending the funeral from out of the city were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hedtke, Oshkosh, Mrs;. Albert Fraedrich, "Weyauwega;''·' Mr. and Mrs. William. Reek, Gustave Kopitzke, Mr. and Mrs. Frederich Reek, .Mr. and. Mrs. William Fisher, Mr. - and Mrs. Edwin Fisher, West Bloorii- field; Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Kopitzke, Mrs. Emil Thews, Mr. and Mrs., Fred Thews, Weyauwega; Mr. and ,-Mfs. Arthur Schultz, Fred Arndt/".Tiger- tori";v Mrs. .Mollie Hahn, Mrs.- L Paul Kottke, Manawa. ·-..'. . . . Special. to. Poet-Crescent ·
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