Oct 09, 2004 22:51
Well since i last updated, not MUCH has gone on.
Nothing worth updating over anyway...I`m trying to have a new outlook on life, and it`s kinda working, but it`s kinda back firing in my face. I try to do the right things in school, family, and mostly every aspect of my life, and I feel like I get NOTHING...at least nothing that I really want. Like to see Rick more than once a week...its going on fuckin' 3 weeks since I have last seen him. Well that just proves how strong our relationship and love is, but it sucks, because there are miles in between us, and all I do is think of him. Okay, this entry isn't gonna be oh let's feel bad for Bri...So that's enough of this.
Thursday after school I chilled with dana!! ahh I love that girl. lol hadn't seen her in SOO long, so we talked about people, things, life...and definately exchanged secrets lol =X I'm glad I can tell her stuff =). Well then I came home, and did mostly nothing, because I didn't feel like doing my homework. Oh Well! Actually I ended up doing it anyway, but YOU KNOW!.
Friday I had school. After I was extremely tired so I TRYED to take a little nap, but my mom kept talking to me and waking me up, so I ended up yelling at her, and yeah that didn't change anything lol. The rest of the night, I worked on my homework because I have a shit load, and I watched the Presidential debate. I know I'm a loser, but that kind of stuff determines partly what's going to happen in our future, so I think it's important lol. Whatever, I'm a loser. It's alright. I went to sleep at like 10, and Ricky woke me up when he called at 11 or something, and I talked to him till like 11:45 when he put his mom on the phone, I talked to her lol, then he came back on and we hung up after a little while, and then I went back to sleep.
Woke up at like 8-ish, got in the shower, blowdryed and straightened my hair, put on the makeup and erything, and got ready to go to look for my sweet 16 dress, and we found it =), and i got shoes and all that other good stuff...when I got home I modeled it for my papi and I didn't wanna take it off, but I did. Then I called Rick and we talked about some stuff, especially about how much this weekend sucks, because