What i heard

Aug 15, 2011 03:53

They never seem to see me/ They goes ahead and speak Freely/ And i can sit and smurk/ Hear all that I do/ and know they'll never seen me lurk
 She is dating him/they made a teacher cry/he threw the winning basket/she didn't even try/ I can hear every word/ every scorn or praise/ such a large commotion/ a little stand off made/ Every time the teacher yells/ He’s usually ignored/ A scribbled note is passed / from hand to hand/ I can only guess what it’s for/Some laugh at a gross joke/And your super secret/ Is “accidentally” spoke/I guess I am an outsider/’Cuz as I sit and write/ Even sworn arch enemies/ cannot truly fight/ The fact that I am an outcast/Not part of the “in” group/ I’m the wrong ingredient/ in the school’s “cool” soup/ But I have no desire/ to treat others in a mean manner/ just to make myself feel a little bit better/ Although I want to be accepted/ I want to be myself/ Not like other girls/ Just another Barbie on the shelf/ Why should I sacrifice/ my own ideal me/just to become something they want me to be/why should they hide/ beneath the fancy clothes/ The kind everyone thinks best/ the one most commonly chose/Just be considered/ Good enough to be their clone/ I feel very sorry/for those who believe/coolness comes as things/ How blind some people can be!/ I know that I am spoke of/ and scorned in every way/ but why should I worry/ when there is so much more to a day/ sitting in a tree reading / or laughing with friends/ Coolness and similarity/ are really boring and bland/So instead of saying mean things/ About someone else/ I shall go and read a book/cuz' it’s better for your health/ so that is what I heard/ some of it from a friend/and upon that note…

I shall say

The End

ignored, school, what i heard, bullied, poems

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