(no subject)

Sep 06, 2005 17:01

stolen from... well, i don't remember, somewhere rands...

-- WRATH --

1. Who did you last get angry with?: My Mom
2. What is your weapon of choice?: Silent game, or the evil stare.
3. Would you hit a member of the opposite sex?: Absolutely if it's deserving
4. How about of the same sex?: Yeah i'd slap a bitch
5. Who was the last person who got really angry at you?: Casey
6. What is your pet peeve?: Drizama, people that are phoney, and when things aren't balanced
7. Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily?: I usually hold grudges, but I also can forgive and forget quickly... it probably depends on the circumstances and the person

-- SLOTH --

1. What is one thing you're supposed to do daily that you haven't done in a while?: Make my bed
2. What is the latest you've ever woken up?: 2 pm
3. Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't: My Grandmother... and that's fucked up =/
4. What is the last lame excuse you made? "I don't want to unpack because I wasn't the one who decided to move"
5. Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through : Not in a long while
6. When was the last time you got a good workout in?: two days ago
7. How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock today?: I didn't use the alark clock... haven't in awhile. Usually will hit the snooze button just once though.


1. What is your overpriced beverage of choice?: expensive pinot grigio
2. Meat eaters: white meat or dark meat?: white meat!
3. What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event?: 2.5 glasses of wine, 4 shots of raz vods w. orange juice chaser, 1 natty light, 1 sex on the beach, 1 irish car bomb... and i seriously cannot remember after that
4. Have you ever used a professional diet company?: nope
5. Do you have an issue with your weight?: not really... i'm satisfied with my body
6. Do you prefer sweets, salty foods, or spicy foods?: food, in general. i love sweets, but also spicyness is the shiz.
7. Have you ever looked at a small pet or child and thought, "LUNCH"?: lol no

-- LUST --

1. How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies/family)?: a bunch, naked people are everywhere at college
2. How many people have seen YOU naked (not counting physicians/family)?: like 10, maybe? i don't know... more girlfriends of mine have seen me naked than like guys
3. Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a member of your gender of choice during a normal conversation?: yeah, i compare boobs. mine always win. haha.
4. Have you "done it"?: yes
5. What is your favourite body part on a person of your gender of choice? i like the V on the guy... mmmm, so yummy. and nice abs. double mmm.
6. Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute?: no!!
7. Have you ever had to get tested for an STD or pregnancy?: yeah just to be safe, and i'm cleannnn because i am a LADY yesss

-- GREED --

1. How many credit cards do you own?: two
2. What's your guilty pleasure store?: saks fifth ave
3. If you had $1 million, what would you do with it?: get a place at school and make it fucking ridiculous, also pimp out the bmw, give to the katrina foundation, and save/invest anything left over
4. Would you rather be rich, or famous?: rich
5. Would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make megabucks? maybe
6. Have you ever stolen anything?: only a pack of gum way back in the day
7. How many MP3s are on your hard drive?: i plead the fifth.

-- PRIDE --

1. What's one thing you have done that you're most proud of?: going to spain is a HUGE accomplishment... i can't believe i'm actually going
2. What's one thing you have done that your parents are most proud of?: going to college, spain
3. What's one thing would you like to accomplish in your life?: i WILL be successful
4. Do you get annoyed by coming in second place?: yes
5. Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors?: mmm no
6. Have you ever cheated on something to get a higher score?: in high school
7. What did you do today that you're proud of?: unpack haha

-- ENVY --

1. What item of your friends' would you most want to have for your own?: Romano's wardrobe. Chase's body. haha
2. Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces" with?: Samara
3. If you could be anyone else in the world, who would you be?: Jessica Simpson, that bitch has everything
4. Have you ever been cheated on?: yes, bastardssss
5. Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own?: mmm... not really, maybe like, more tan,
6. What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself?: most people either immediately love me or hate me, i wish i was one of those people that everyone was always drawn to and like, wanted to be friends with you
7. Do you wish you'd come up with this survey?: nah
8. Finally, what is your favourite deadly sin?: LUSTTTTTTTT
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