Copy and Paste from last year...

Nov 05, 2011 20:32

IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN! Yes that's right, time for Christmas cards! If you want one you must either:

• Leave me a comment here with your address (all comments are screened).
• E-mail me your address at - just include your screen name too please!

Frequent Questions:

1. I don't celebrate Christmas... Can I still get holiday mail? YES!
If you don't celebrate Christmas and still want a card (Winter card,
Hanukkah, 'Happy Holidays' but not Christmas card, etc), please let me
know. I'll do my best. ^_^

2. I live overseas; can I still have a card? Yep. I'll send a card to wherever you're at.

3. I want to send you a card too! Can I have your address?
Mail! And nice mail at that - please feel free to send me something.

I have my own place this year! How exciting!

Courtney McDermott
21-26 Shaw St.
Regina, Sk.
S4R 3M4

4. I want a card, but I probably won't send you one in return. Can I still have one? No obligations or strings are attached to getting a card. They are free gifts of love to you.

5. I sent you my address last year, do I need to send it again?
Just to be safe, re-send me your address. I had good luck last year, no returns, but better to be certain.

I think I covered all the bases but if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.
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