Powerfic archive is coming back

Dec 24, 2014 09:24

Originally posted by duskpeterson at Powerfic archive is coming back
For those faithful few of you who remember the old days of the Boys in Chains archive, I've got exciting news: the archive is coming back.

For those of you who weren't around at the time, I'll explain: Boys in Chains was a multifandom archive for both fiction and art, with a focus on stories about emotional bonds between people of different ranks or status. Boys in Chains opened in 2000 as an m/m slash slavefic archive. It later expanded its content to become an archive for works representing power imbalances, including slavefic, prisonfic, hookerfic and fic with BDSM themes. It welcomed fan fiction and original fiction, as well as art depicting similar themes.

The archive is now moving in with the Archive of Our Own (AO3). To reflect its openness to f/f slash, het, and gen, the archive's name will be changing to Chains: The Powerfic Archive. For further information, please see the announcement post or contact Open Doors.

The Chains archive has been offline since the middle of the last decade, so I'm very pleased that it will be open for business again.
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