1000 Questions -- The Longest Survey on Bzoink (Good luck!)=>This or That<=Pie or cake?::Cake. Pie or 3.14159...?::Pie. Chocolate or vanilla?::Vanilla. Black or white?::Black. Ceiling or floor?::Ceiling. Couch or bed?::Bed. Cough or sneeze?::Sneeze. On or off?::On -Winks-. Closed or open?::Open. Brush or comb?::Brush. Long or short?::Long. Big or small?::Big -Snickers-. Wet or dry?::Dry. Under or over?::Under. Top or bottom?::Bottom. Fly or fall?::Fly. Smile or frown?::Smile. Tears of joy or tears of sorrow?::Tears of Joy. Hot or cold?::Cold. Warm or cool?::Cool. Rough or smooth?::Smooth. Cat or dog?::Cat. Snake or bird?::Bird. Shark or T-Rex?::Shark. Past or present?::Present. Science fiction or fantasy?::Fantasy. Dull or sharp?::Sharp. Live forever or die young?::Die young. Books or television?::Books. Jump or skip?::Jump. Fast or slow?::Fast. Run or walk?::Walk. Guy or girl?::Guy. Disney or Warner Brothers?::Disney. Belle or Jasmine?::Jasmine. Gaston or Cruella Deville?::Gaston. Food or friends?::Friends. Colors or black and white?::Colors. Cute or pretty?::Pretty. Good or evil?::Evil. Fruits or vegetables?::Fruits. Milk or juice?::Juice. Hot chocolate or gingerale?::Gingerale. Beer or wine?::Beer. Movies or cartoons?::Movies. Pillow or blanket?::Blanket. Moon or stars?::Stars. Sky or sea?::Sea. Explode or implode?::Explode. =>Odd Questions<=What color is the bottom of your tongue?::Reddish-purple. Your foot?::Slightly faded color of my skin tone. Do you have any medical problems concerning feet?::Lol, no. Do you secretly fantasize about George W. Bush?::Omfg. Only ones in which I shoot him or feed him to sharks. Do you chew on your homework?::No. Pencils?::No. Do you read the dictionary?::I have. Encyclopedia?::I have. Atlas?::I have. Road map?::I have. Do you memorize random facts?::Yes. Do you stalk anyone?::LMFAO! I have. XD Does anyone stalk you?::Not that I know of. Do you cut the grass with a pair of scissors?::-Dies- I have. Do you dust your lawn?::No. Do you collect dust?::Eww, no. Lint?::See above. Baby teeth?::See above again. Have you ever thought of becoming a prostitute?::Yes. Haha. Do you wish prostitution was legal?::No, I do not. Do you use lotion on your feet?::No, I dont use lotion. Do you have problems with Canadians?::I AM CANADIAN! <3 Mexicans?::Nope. Americans?::....Ugh. I have issues with SOME of them. The French?::No. But I don't like the language. The English?::No, I think they are bloody brilliant. Bad teeth though. Haha. Have you ever played a kazoo?::Yes'm. Have you ever shot someone?::With a lazer gun and a suction dart gun, yes. Something?::I've shot, with a real gun, various targets. How many pairs of underwear do you own?::No idea. The normal amount, I'd guess. Jeans?::Four pairs. What ring size are you?::No bloody clue. Belt size?::Again, no clue. Have you ever gotten anything amputated?::Nope. Do you have a calendar from 2001 hanging in your room?::Nope. Do you eat a lot?::I suppose. Do you get excited over cameras?::Ugh. No. Do you have a strange obsession with pickles?::....wtf? Poison?::I think it's interesting. Knives?::Again, interesting...-plays with shiney knife- Cheese?::No. Penguins?::OMFG <3 ...-cough- Bald people?::No. Scrawny African children?::No. Midgets?::No. ((I'm beginning to think you are more insane then I.)) Pirates?::Hehe, perhaps. -Swoons- Corny jokes?::No thanks. Are you a virgin?::Yes. Are you a hermaphrodite?::NO. Do you tie string to your teeth?::No. Do you bite yourself?::Haha, I bite my bottom lip sometimes. Cut yourself?::I have. Do you get cold sores often?::Never had one. Do you have a cold right now?::No. Do you suffer from chronic migraines?::Nope. Do you like to touch sharp objects?::If they are around... Do you have a twitching problem?::Lol, no. Are you homicidal?::Of course not. -Wicked grin- What do you do on the computer?::Stupid things like this, obviously. Anything your parents should know about?::My parents know all they need to know about me...-backs away slowly- Are you happy with your life?::I'm not satisfied if that's what you mean. Is everybody else happy with your life?::No clue. Do you like 100% white grape juice?::No. Do you honestly believe that trees are, in fact, green?::Not all trees... How big is the universe?::Beyond comprehension. What's the logic behind your answer?::Simple logic, genious. How many hours of sleep do you get every night?::Anywhere from 4-10 What do you dream about?::Many, many things. Vivid dreams too. Anything your parents should know about?::...I answered this already...you're just trying to trick me! AHA! Do you fall for Internet advertisements?::Nope. Do you enjoy bungee jumping?::I REALLY want to try! Do you have AIM?::No. MSN?::Yes. YIM?::No. A Neopets account?::Haha, Yes. A Vampirefreaks account?::No. A Quizilla account?::Yes. A Bzoink account?::No. Do you watch bugs crawl on the floor?::I kill them. ^.^ Do you follow the bugs that crawl on the floor?::They are already dead! Ahahaha! Do you get attacked by ladybugs?::I lurve them. Are you scared of everything that breathes?::No. Doesn't breathe?::No. Are you scared of anything at all?::Wolves. What?::See above. Which cardinal direction do you like best?::West. Do you have a life?::Lol, I'd like to think so. Do you have a microphone on your computer?::INSIDE the computer! Oh snap. A webcam?::No. A scanner?::Yes. A printer?::Yes, two. A cordless mouse?::No. Does your mouse light up?::Yes! Red. Are you scared of mice?::Nope. They are cute. What kind of computer do you have?::Dell. Were you ever physically abused?::No. I've been hit before, but I wouldn't call it physical abuse. Verbally?::No. I get yelled at alot, but I wouldn't call it verbal abuse. Sexually?::No. Do you wish you were a fish?::I wish I were a squirrel. A cat?::That would be interesting. A dog?::Again, it would be interesting. Do you have a cell phone?::Yes. What kind is it?::Camera phone. Do you weasel out of things?::Lol, I have and I can. Do your teachers like you?::Yes. Do your parents like you?::Yes. Do your siblings like you?::Lol, most of the time. Does karma, if it exists, love you?::No clue. Did you have a tail when you were born?::NO. Do you enjoy school?::Enough. Do you sleep under or over the covers?::Under. Do you sleep in a bed?::Yes. Do you catch yourself floating at times?::....No. Are you a packrat?::Somewhat. Do you know HTML or CSS?::HTML, a little. Do you find yourself chewing on anything your fingers have touched?::No. Do you shy away from social situations?::Nope. Are you obsessed with shiny things?::Weee! Shiny! Are you at least attracted to them?::Mhmm. Do you know what you're going to get for the holidays?::LOST season 1 and Moulin Rouge. Do you smash guitars or any other type of instrument?::NEVER! Leave the poor instruments alone. Do you label other people?::I have in the past and generally, I've been right. Are you proud?::I can be a proud person. Do you like scrambled eggs?::Mmmhm! =>How bad can I make you Look?<=Do you wash your hands frequently?::Yes. Do you wet the bed?::Nope. What age did you stop?::No clue. Do you lie a lot?::I don't lie about very important things. And when I do lie, it's more a fraction of the truth. Do you forget to brush your teeth frequently?::Yeeeees. Brush your hair?::Yeeeees. Do you use deoderant?::Yes. Do you masturbate?::-Cough- Awkward question! How often?::Again with the awkwardness! Are you an alcoholic?::No. A druggie?::No. Do you drink illegally?::Yes. Do you wear underwear?::Yes. Do you change your underwear frequently?::Yes. Are you a coward?::No. A loser?::I dont believe so. An idiot?::No. Do you chatspeak?::Lol, nwtf, wtf, lmfao, brb, omg...get the picture? (Only on the net, of course) Are you a bad friend?::I'm a good friend! Geez. Are you untrustworthy?::No. Unreliable?::No. Do you pick your nose?::I blow my nose. Are you imperfect?::Yes. Ugly?::I hope not. Do you have bad hair?::No. A big nose?::-Shrugs- Are you shallow?::I suppose I can be. Greedy?::Again, I can be. Do you tell people you love them just to get want you want?::Lol, jokingly at times but enough so they understand that. Do you have any /important/ talents?::Music, baby. Do you burp often?::-Shakes head- No. Are you impolite?::I dont think so. Disrespectful?::I can be. Sadistic?::Lol, on rare occassion. Are you a pansy?::No. Are you a conformist? (Hot Topic is a mainstream store, by the way.)::No. Are you a fan of George W. Bush?::Fuck no. Do you have buck teeth?::No. Acne?::No. Mental illnesses?::No. Are you fake?::-Glares- No. Does your breath smell?::Lol, nope. Do you have a strong body odor?::Nope. Do you have bad teeth?::7 Years of braces. So, no. Do you have a bull ring through your nose?::No. Are you overweight?::I suppose. Anorexic?::No. Bulimic?::No. Do you have a piercing in an inappropriate spot on your body?::No. A tattoo?::I wish. Are you a wannabe?::Lmao, no. But you are! Do you get bad grades?::No. What's your IQ level?::No idea. Are you a bad guesser?::I'm actually rather decent. Are you slow?::No. Are you bad at reading people?::I'm pretty good at it. Are you too nice for your own good?::Yes, I certainly can be. Do you have a lot of friends?::Yepps . ^.^ Do you give in easily?::Never. Are you stubborn?::Yes. Are you annoying?::I bet I can be. Do you enjoy talking about gross, disturbing things?::Yes. Are you a necrophilliac?::No. Are you incestual?::No. (Alisha, THEY ARE NOT COUSINS! THEY ARE NOT SIBLINGS! -hides in corner-) Is your room messy?::Yes. Do you make fun of other people?::Yes, but not in a horrid way...most of the time. Do you respect your body?::I suppose. Are you arrogant?::No. Do you have low self-esteem?::Not usually. I have my moments. Are you unique?::Yes indeedy. Are your hands clammy?::Nope. Are you short?::Nope. Are you freakishly tall?::5'11". You tell me. Do you like Simple Plan?::No. =>Beliefs<=Do you believe in God?::No. Do you believe in magic?::No. True love?::...Undecided. Heaven?::No. Hell?::No. Satan?::No. The Lord and Lady?::No. The Goddess?::No. The Greek Gods or Goddesses?::No. The Pagan Gods or Goddesses?::No. Are you an atheist?::Yes. Agnostic?::No. Do you believe in fairies?::No. Dragons?::No. Unicorns?::No. Gollums?::No. Santa?::No. The Easter Bunny?::No. The Tooth Fairy?::No. Pixies?::No. Phoenixes?::No. Elves?::No. Dwarves?::No. Mermaids?::No. Karma?::Yes. Immortality?::No. Do you believe in the Aztec Gods?::No. Mayan Gods?::No. Incan Gods?::No. Do you believe that each different belief creates a new reality?::I don't really care either way. Do you believe in life on other planets?::Somewhere, there must be. Do you believe in parallel universes?::No. Do you believe that black holes are time portals?::No. Do you believe in Eternity?::No. Do you believe in evolution?::Yes. Do you believe in life after death?::No. What happens to us after we die?::Decaying. Do you believe in superheroes?::No. Super villains?::No. Do you believe in Fate?::Yes. That everything has a purpose?::Yes. Do you believe that everything revolves around money?::Sadly, it seems that way. Sex?::Yes. Love?::Yes, I hope. Success?::Yes. Making yourself happy?::Yes. Making others happy?::Yes. Religion?::No. Politics?::No. Do you believe in miracles?::I believe that good things can happen. Angels?::No. Demons?::No. Ghosts?::No. Do you believe there's a someone for everyone?::Yes. Do you believe in true, selfless happiness?::Doesn't exist. Do you believe in selfessness at all?::Doesn't really exist. Do you believe that wishing for something can make it happen?::No. Do you believe that the means justify the ends?::Perhaps. Do you believe that anything can happen?::Not anything, but many things. THE END of part one.
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Bzoink*d In other news! It is now Christmas Break! Thank God. -Sighs- I just got home from volunteering in a Jazz Combo. We played at this church downtown for the homeless while they got their christmas dinner. It was a nice thing to participate in. Then, earlier today, I went with Nari, Jen, Ryan, and Mon to see "Memoirs of a Geisha". It was very very very very good and the music was amazing. <3 -cough- Yo-Yo Ma -cough-
Umm...yes...tomorrow is Christmas EVE! Dun dun dun...I'm excited. Woot. In any case, I'm off! My family is having a "Bar Night" nachos and screwdrivers for everyone. -Dies-