May 21, 2004 06:55
im back in very bright pink.
now im banned from riding home with emily.
on the plus side.......
there is no plus side.
i miss melinda so bad! i feel like my mom made me give my dog away (again). that's a bad way to say that. heh heh.
emily was so nice yesterday while i was yelling and bawling in her car. thanks soooo much for listening to me bitch about my life. i hope you enjoy your cds. i'm gonna come see you at the mall this summer so you can sell me some shoes and play horrible customer pranks on me. heh heh. 'im sorry, but you're going to have to pay for those!' *evil cackle*
i never realized exactly how sexy geoff rickley is 2 seconds ago, but he is one SUPER sexy bitch. with a gorgeous orgasm-inducing voice.
im going to miss all of my buddies from woodside! steph, todd, adam, alex, emily, zack, sab, katie, catie, doob, ben, megan, mike, mike, erica, gabby, rich, josh, forrest, jessica, noel, julz, ashley, david, mr.a (yes the teacher is my buddy. get the fuck over it!!!!)(ok it's dorky.....)and the works.
i gotsta be headin to class.
bye bye.
au revoir