(no subject)

Jul 16, 2007 21:09

So heres the whole story for those who care.

Monday night I was called by Mom and told that my aunt in Nc state is bad, and we need to go. We left home and arrived at NC state around 10pm. Got mom to the hospital around 11ish and hung around a bit and went back to my cousins to get some sleep, while mom stayed with her sister. I got to my cousins about 12:30-1am and was called abck to the hospital by mom and hauled ass back to Greensboro.

My aunt survived the night and we met with the doctor around 9:45 ish. His words were, it could be minutes it could be hours. She left quickly around 10am with the family, friends, and her pastor surrounding her.

We stayed untill Wednesday and came back to Virginia to get some clothes and get pops and drive back down on Friday.

The funeral was Saturday afternoon, I was asked and did a slide show of her old and current pictures to one of her favorite songs.

Sunday was spent with family, ended up taking my cousin Joey and the 2 girls to see a movie to give mom and dad time with Candy, as I thought they needed it.

We drove back today and got home around 5-6 ish.

Now just to wait for the drama and greed to kick in, oh wait... It allready has.

When someone has just died (like within hours) you dont talk about calling a realitor and just auctioning all her stuff or emptying her bank account. At least wait untill a few days after the memorial service.

gah so many thoughts and too little time and space, maybe more later after I clear my thoughts.

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