Mar 11, 2013 11:55
So, I've settled in. Officially. There are very few post-move things to manage at this point. We have dentists, doctors, tutors, babysitters, gaming folks, vets, first-name basis with the postman, haircut people, friends for Zach AND a decent line on summer activities for him. We are about to have or first swanky party tonight (I have to go back to the store to exchange the wine glasses we picked up for RED wine glasses *eyeroll*) I am almost caught up on pre-move hat orders, and am realizing that if NEW hat orders are to come in....i need a hat sales outlet. Place. Show, Event, War, SOMEthing. The slowdown was GREAT for the transition year - but now? it's still pretty slow.
Northshield events do not seem to be the right venue. We may do gulf War next year, but just couldn't quite do it this time. I can't really stock enough to have my own booth at the Minnesota Rennaisance faire, and I can't really commit to beign there every weekend anyway. I don't know any vendors there to share with. All this means looking farther afield.
Costume College has caught my eye, and there are just a few squeaky days left the vendor application deadline. (March 15th) i am wishing and washing so much I'm a little seasick. Here are my thoughts:
450 serious costuming attendees, who do a variety of time periods. Even if I didn't sell well there, I think the exposure would be excellent, and orders would follow.
One of the events this year is 1600-1660, so my usual fare would have a specific market
I probably have something I could wear to that particular event, too.
I have all the underpinnings all made for one of the other events, requiring me to make one fabulous bustle dress.(That I'm apparently so excited about researching and designing that I couldn't sleep last night)
I've wanted to take classes from Lynn McMasters for years - and I could DO that.
Zach will probably be away, and this is exactly the sort of thing I don't get to do very much.
Tim has been wanting to attend some Victorian things and I'd likely get to use the dress again.
I'm chicken.
I don't know anyone.
I am afraid that I'd be sitting in a merchant booth the whole time, thinking "well, THIS was a mistake"
There is NO way that hat sales would remotely offset the cost of attending. The merchant fees are high, and the event is not cheap either. Not to mention plane ticket, shipping for hats, hotel. And car rental.
I'd be managing the booth by myself. I don't know if I could attend anythng at all - not sure of the rules, there. Can I just shut down when I like?
Tim has suggested that I just GO to it and go to all the classes I want and scope out the merchanting situation this year - but with one of the events being 1600-1660, I feel like I might not have this good a fit next year. He suggested maybe having some hats I could sell in my hotel room, but I don't know if that would work, or how it would go over, etc. Plus - NOT having the booth might make me really feel alone, since I imagine that the most fun happens in party rooms, getting ready, etc.
He also suggested that he come and be my shop boy, but that feels like taking advantage of him.....cause he'd have no interest in the event itself, and that more than doubles the amount of sewing I'd need to do to prepare.....PLUS make hat stock.
And I have no time to figure this out!!!
Thoughts? Advice? Suggestions?