Feb 08, 2005 00:19
Hello there. Wow am I bored! I have a lot of homework to do... so I should be doing it... but of course I'm not. I can't believe I'm even still awake! I watched the Superbowl last night with Amy and AmyLynn, then we drove around aimlessly blaring Patriots music, and then I went home at like midnight. It was fun. AmyLynn's boyfriend Jay came to her house for a little while so that was cool (even though I'm convinced that boy hates me... but oh well). When I got home, I had all intentions of going to bed because I had to be to work by 7am this morning... but of course, to make a long story short, I never went to sleep. 5:30am came ((I was still awake)), I got up from my computer chair, got in the shower, got ready, and was at work by 7am. I worked until like 5:30ish, and then I had class from 6-9pm. I'm sooo tired. I have another long night ahead of me tonight with all my homework... :-(. I can't decide if I wanna go to the Pats Parade or not. I kinda do wanna go, but at the same time I kinda don't. I can't decide. There I go, being very indecisive again. Oh well, what else is new. I think I'm just gonna watch it on TV and then go to work right afterwards. There's no rally this year, so it's kinda pointless I suppose anyway.
So it's really nice to be friends with the people I work with. Hopefully I can make plans for Valentine's Day with someone (no one imparticular... just anyone) so I won't have to sit in by myself... because apparantly lately that's the cool thing to do? Idk. AmyLynn will be out with Jay I'm assuming, so that just leaves me by my lonesome and I'll probably freak out. For once in my life I'd LOVE to have a real Valentine's Date. :-( But it won't happen because the kid I like is a jackass and probably doesn't even know WHEN Valentine's Day even is. The guys at work are so sweet. I've noticed I've actually had a little bit of self-confidence lately, and I think it has a lot to do with the people at work ((both the guys and the girls)). Everyone compliments me a lot or is just really nice to me, and it's nice to be with people I love all day long. :) It makes me like my job ((most of the time)) and it makes the day go by so much faster. All I have to say before I pass out is I hope shit starts to work out with me and someone... because I'm really getting aggrivated and I kinda wanna say fuck it... but some choice people that he likes won't let me. Haha. I'm falling asleep typing this. Goodnight.
<3 Vanessa <3