Apr 21, 2008 19:50

I think this may be my last post for the week, i have to travel to Lansing on Wednesday for work and have some other things happening as well, not to mention this weekend is Trout Festival!!!

Ok, today i met my father after work to watch:

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
(directed by Nathan Frankowski 2008, Horizon theater Carmike Cinema)
A 'documentary' in the Michael Moore vein that sort of explores the question of why "intelligent design" is so consistently shut out and turned down as any sort of viable scientific hypothesis by the vast bulk of academia in general.  I was actually a little relieved that the film wasn't centered around whether or not "ID" should be taught publicly or not. 
At any rate the film is some what well made, allows for a bit more equal time than most films of it's sort, gets a lot more creditable talking heads for both sides of the debate, makes some good word pictures, etc.  However it does seem to lack a clear direction or point at times, fails to define it's terms early on or in some cases clearly at all (something that the film says it has a beef with towards other people) and gets side tracked once or twice.
I did like this film because of it's balls.  I am a firm believer that academia, science, higher education, etc, etc are all driven by concealed agendas and this film basically calls these institutions out on it, which i think is a good thing.


Divine BB / Special Bardot, etc, etc
(directed by various from around the very late 1950's to the very early 1970's, DVD)

A solid two hours of Brigitte Bardot, mostly TV appearances where she sings, music videos, promotional type things, behind the scene type stuff at photo shoots, etc, etc.  Very high image and sound quality for a bootleg.
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