Dec 09, 2005 09:59
Ok... so, if you listen to the radio and they list all of the school closings and they do not say LCC, what does that mean to you? Does it mean call the computer lab, of all places, to ask if there are classes today? Who closes the college on finals week because of a half foot of snow? Maybe if you lived in Florida, but not Michigan.
Today is really quiet though. I think a good portion of students took their own "snow day".
I actually wore boots this morning. I have been going with sandals and backless shoes lately, let me tell you, that gets rather cold when there is snow.
I am ready for classes to be over. I am super excited about the ginormous break from work coming up. I was considering throwing myself off the roof of TLC if things didn't start getting better. But, things started getting better, so there will be no use for throwing myself off of anything.
I have a limited amount of $$$, so everyone is getting homemade presents for christmas. Hope everyone likes scarfs and cookies.
Well, I am going to go get my paycheck... MONEY MONEY MONEY! and then proceed forth with homework, because if I ever want to get done, I should probably try a little harder. Then Danna and I are going shopping and then out to lunch at the Indian Palace. Indian food sounds sooooo good on a day like this. YAY!!! Danna is going to work here. Maybe then I won't be soo bored when there is nothing to do. And I am done cleaning. It is messy and it isn't going to change. I just can't make it any better. At least they got the broken shit out of here.
So today is going to be a good break and ginormous amounts of fun with Danna. She makes shopping almost fun. ALMOST: key word.
And that is enough of that.