Does anyone know...?

Feb 17, 2007 15:47

[In the Library reading various Endurance training and Martial Arts books]

I see that the pink hair episode is finally down to its last. It was certainly pissing me off getting to me to have everyone look like my lovely friend, Sakura-san!  I am  quite glad that the few traces of my red hair has finally disappeared as well. It was not much. Luckily, I only had a sip and decided that it was too sweet for my tastes, and I was affected only a bit. But to still have my hair change after barely tasting it - such must be a very strong potion!

I had to lock Maito-kun in my room to prevent him from following me to the Ball. He is now very lachrymose. =(  And he left presents for me in my protein powder. Oh dear.




[[Filtered Away From the Spiky, Red-headed person at the dance]]

Excuse me, but does anyone recall seeing a young person at the Ball...maybe slightly shorter than I...with spiky, red hair and a black suit? I had a strange encounter with him and I forgot to ask his name (I think he is a he...). He has quite the odd personality as well, it seems. Although he was perhaps about my age, he certainly did not act very youthful.  Has anyone come across him and learned anything about him...?


[[As long as Lee is given hints and not told exactly who he is, then it's all good ^^]]

masquerade ball, maito-kun, pink hair faze, sakura

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