You tell me.

Sep 25, 2009 22:51

Chatlog from Wednesday night/early Thursday morning. This is going to be posted in two entries because it's too long. Read them and tell me what you think.

12:28 AM me: i ought to cease conversing with you
12:29 AM Christian: oh yeah?
 me: yeah
 Christian: por qua?
12:31 AM me: you're reinforcing my original impulse when i had hoped you would lessen it
 Christian: hm, yeah
  sorry about that
 me: i ought to make a list of reasons not to talk to you
12:32 AM Christian: 1) ...?
12:34 AM me: 1) because it's taking my mind away from what i ought to be thinking about, in more ways than one
12:35 AM Christian: i shouldn't be talking to you because a) eventually talking will give away to me dropping any moral guidlines
 me: oh great, now it makes it seem like an unstoppable force. great. T_T
  not helping
12:36 AM Christian: haha
12:37 AM me: this is what always happens to my relationships...
12:38 AM 1) sudden boredom
2) somebody interesting
3) break up for no good reason
4) pine over/get with interesting person
 Christian: 5) goto 1
 me: 5) rinse and repeat into eternity
12:39 AM Christian: at 19 there's nothing wrong with that
  you're trying out different things
 me: you know i was thinking about that
 Christian: because i told you
 me: yes
12:40 AM even though i'm 19, i made a commitment to be with someone
  he even warned me i would lose the freedom to date around
 Christian: but a committment at 19 usually doesn't mean for life
  it may mean for a few months or a year
12:41 AM a breakup is expected
  sooner or later
 me: yes, but i don't want it to be because of this
  this is the reason i broke up with boys in high school
 Christian: which was a year ago
12:42 AM me: i don't want it to be the reason i break up with someone i really truly consciously wanted
12:43 AM i managed to convince myself last night that my relationship was more valuable than whatever anything else could offer
  but i lost the conviction again today
 Christian: you will break up with him eventually
 me: and you are definitely not helping
12:44 AM Christian: the question is how long you're with him, what it gives you
  maybe he is what you need right now
  and, eventually, that will not be enough, and then you move on
 Christian: true
  you will, eventually
 me: but it's not like a relationship is a nonrefillable cookie jar. i can put more cookies in it.
 Christian: or chocolate
12:46 AM me: whichever
12:47 AM i know i've been unfaithful when i am not thinking about him when i'm without him, and thinking about someone else when i'm with him
  even if there was no sex involved
 Christian: everybody does that
 me: not all the time
12:48 AM i know now why i wrote to you again
 Christian: ?
12:50 AM me: in the midst of my sudden downfall into boredom, i thought about what would be exciting. what you represent is what i've wanted for ages.
12:51 AM you were the only real professor to write
 Christian: since geo prof is off limits
 me: geo prof isn't interested
12:52 AM geo prof wasn't around in february
 Christian: how do you know he isn't interested?
12:53 AM me: 1. married
2. probably kind of likes his job
3. 50 other girls in class, simple probability issue
4. ?
 Christian: there's a problem with turning fantasies into realities
 me: that being? (i probably already know, but clarify)
12:54 AM Christian: not what you thought it would be like
  and now you've lost a perfectly good fantasy
12:55 AM me: oh but the insatiable desire for experience!
 Christian: this is oh so true
12:56 AM me: and yet i don't know if i like you, or merely what you represent - same for you.
12:57 AM Christian: i couldn't have a relationship with you
  if that's what you want... well...
 me: if i did i wouldn't know at this point
12:59 AM all the focus is on the fact that you're a professor and you have an office.
 Christian: haha
  and you want to be pressed against the door of that office
1:00 AM me: or your couch or desk or bookshelf
  i've been fucked in an office before, but it wasn't an academic office, and hence it wasn't quite what i was looking for
 Christian: hm
 me: in fact there was no danger of getting caught
1:01 AM it was really quite "pretend"
 Christian: you wear skirts?
 me: i own some and can wear them
1:02 AM Christian: hm, again
 me: yet i don't know if it's worth it
1:03 AM Christian: i think the consensus so far is that I'm worth it, but your milage may vary, of course
1:06 AM me: picture my mind right now as a concert hall full of people. they are all stupid people, except for maybe 3 or 4. the person on stage asks them, high-school-pep-rally style "DO YOU WANT TO DO THIS?!" to which all the stupid people reply "YES!" but the 3 or 4 smart, rational, reasonable, morally-beholden people shout "NO DON'T YOU'RE MAKING A MISTAKE!!!" except they are in the back row right now where no one can hear them.
1:07 AM Christian: hormones vs. reason
 me: yes
 Christian: reason is the perennial loser
  hence religion
1:08 AM me: i hate religion
  and myself
 Christian: now there's a T-shirt slogan for you
1:09 AM I have a T-shirt that says "Recovering Christian"
1:10 AM me: nice
1:11 AM reason tells me that this isn't worth it, at least not at this point
 Christian: go reason go!!!
  ra ra ra!
  I always pull for the underdog
  Gould-Simpson 758, 7th floor
1:12 AM me: yes, i know
  this time i did google you
 Christian: haha
1:13 AM me: i feel like the sensible (not necessarily sensitive) thing to do is keep you in reserve for a day i happen to be single
 Christian: gee, thanks
1:14 AM me: i didn't say it was sensitive
  or nice
  or considerate
 Christian: my ex gf asked me a few months ago (before we broke up): "if no one else wants me, will you have me?"
 me: aww
1:15 AM Christian: yeah, sweet, wasn't it
 me: no "aww" as in "that's sad, i'm sorry"
 Christian: i know
1:16 AM me: i know i'm being ridiculous
 Christian: welcome to the real world
 me: oh don't say that
1:17 AM :p
1:18 AM i shouldn't treat you like a rain check
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