Dear Friend,
It's the most outrageous attack on voting rights we've ever seen--if
you live in Michigan and you're in danger of losing your home to
foreclosure, Republicans will try and take away your right to vote.
It's voter-suppression at its worst--taking advantage of hard times
for political gain and kicking people while they're down.
McCain's response? Silence. Like Bush in 2000 and 2004, he's trying to
keep a safe distance from these tactics, while benefiting from them.
McCain could end this with a phone call. But he won't.
It's time to expose McCain's connection to this strategy. I've signed
on with to demand that McCain denounce these
tactics. Will you join us? It just takes a moment: Similar tactics are being used across the country, but the McCain
campaign simply sits in the background, quietly benefiting from voter
suppression. The Obama campaign is fighting against this plan in the
courts, but they need our help to expose these dishonorable tactics
and make this a national story.
If enough of us step up and connect the dots, we'll give the press a
reason to make the connection between McCain and what's happening in
Michigan. And as we've seen in our other campaigns, when we stand
together behind a clear message, the press covers it and moves our
message forward.
Calling on McCain to publicly reject these tactics is just the first
step in's campaign to publicly shame the Republican
Party for attacking the voting rights of struggling homeowners.
Please join us: Thanks.