Leveling Lowbies... WoW Day 102

Jan 15, 2008 03:34

So I planned to log in for a few moments, say Hi and log off while Brian ran up to the store. I just made a simple website for the guild, and wanted to be sure people were finding everything ok, etc. First thing, one of my questing buddies says "Stay there! I am coming!" I knew right away what had happened... He finally drugded up the cash to learn the next level riding skill and use his Black War Ram. I had to get a screenie of it, and apparently the rat wanted to be a star Hehe:

Well, Brian got home from the store, and my guildmate mentioned seeing if I could get him to log into his character. Believe it or not, he decided he'd like to play after over a month's hiatus! We decided we'd run him through the Dead Mines to see if we could get him some better armor and enough experience to get to level 20. He was able to upgrade his armor significantly after we ran him through the instance twice, but it just wasn't quite enough for level. Here I am leaving the instance in Moonkin form- note the empty ship, we WIPED THEM OUT!

After the second run, he was tired, so Britt volunteered to step in and just follow us around with his character (don't fight anything, just be with the group to gain experience) to Duskwood. She did a good job, and he did indeed get to level 20 (off undead mobs I love so much, no less LOL)! After the carnage, I logged in and went shopping with him... He's 100x better geared than he was at the beginning of the night now!

Running an errand to Northshire Abbey

After all that excitement, my guildmate went to sleep, but I wasn't tired just yet... SO I decided to see if I could level my Orc to 10 right quick. Almost immediately after I logged on, I got an invitation to join a guild on the Horde side. I ended up questing with the inviter for a good hour, and low and behold- DING LEVEL 10! She now will have a profile on the official WoW site! After the big DING, I picked up some quests that lead her into the next level area, the Barrens. I've been there many times to the port town of Ratchet with TrueSunn, but it was interesting running it without having to avoid all the other towns LOL Here is a shot of Giardia as she prepares to take her first steps out into the great big world of Azeroth:

So it was a fun and productive night! Brian said he had a nice time and that he might log into his character again tomorrow so he can learn to play better :) The more the merrier, or rather, the dorkier the merrier heh :)

wow, games

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