Well, in less than 24 hours, I've gone from level 29 to level 31, thanks to the help of some of the new guildies I met :) I did most of the quests in
Duskwood already, and am working slowly on the
Dustwallow Marsh quests (with help!). Right now, I'm working on
"The Missing Diplomat" quest thread. It was mostly easy running back and forth up until now!
The beauty of hitting level 30 as a Druid is that your character can shift into a Cheetah (see screenie) and run like the wind! When in the
"travel form" (as it's called in game), I get a 40% speed bonus! That's great, because I'm seriously tired of taking 10 minutes to run back and forth on the same path I've been seeing for the last 12 hours of game play LOL
I finally got a better helmet at level 31 -
Archer's Cap of the Eagle - but only to realize how truly ugly it is! Fortunately, it is nearly 3x stronger armor than the hood I had, and adds to my stats ;) Next time I play, I'm going to disable showing the helmet. It looks like an old school leather football helmet (see screenie). I can't wait til I get high enough level to be able to afford and equip some better looking armor!
I think I'm going to take a break from WoW for tonight and watch some "House MD"!