I hadn't logged into Maple Story in almost a month, but I do check the site from time to time to see about any new patches/events. I knew it was about time for the Thanksgiving event, considering it was going on when I first started Maple Story a year ago sometime this week! I remember having a really difficult time fighting the Thanksgiving themed turkey monsters and avoiding them at all costs(This year, they are a simple one shot kill for me at lvl 64 LOL) I did, however, complete the repeatable Pumpkin Pie quest several times last year, and I'm glad to see it's back this year- the pie Grandma Benson gives you is a great buffer :) (See screenshot further down to see what I mean!) The quest is short and sweet- kill level 10 and below monsters to gather sugar, flour, a pumpkin and a pie crust and return to Grandma.
The turkeys are back this year in full effect and ready to rumble. Last year, they simply went beserk on you if you didn't one shot them- they clawed at you and flapped around madly. This year, they shoot lightning at you instead! Another difference is that they now drop items for an all new quest versus the old green and gold eggs you turned in last year. The new quest consists of visiting the "parents" at which time "Mom" tells you she needs help with the Thanksgiving "Dinner Fixin's" and asks you to gather 5 ingredients- corn, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes- from the Roboturkeys. In return you get an "Allowance" which you turn into NPCs made to look like CVS and Target employees! (See screenies!)
Here are the screenies I took tonight:
Grandma's Homemade Pumpkin Pie!
Mom needs some serious help with Thanksgiving Dinner!
CVS Employee and Mom's quest items...
I really didn't participate in the Halloween event- I was disgusted that the new Prendergast Mansion Halloween themed area was only open to those players that were willing to purchase Halloween costumes with real life money via NX Cash Shop even though I used to be a paid player, as well as the fact that after an entire hour of grinding monster after monster, I had only received 5 of the 100 candies required to complete the quest to get a pumpkin basket.