This afternoon Tonia, Dave and Marcus came over to have a BBQ with us. Brian made the steaks (Montreal Marinade MMMM), Tonia made the baked beans and I picked fresh veggies from the garden to make our salad! The lettuce is still a little small, but the plants were rather crowded, so I pulled up 4 whole plants, picked some spinach leaves, some chives and parsley, some sweet banana peppes and used some of the left over green onions to make the first salad from our garden! I was worried that the leaves were a tad to bitter yet, but it worked out very well. Here are some pics:
The kids rode bikes and played on the Slip N Slide that Marcus brought with him. Morgan learned to ride a 2 wheel bike today, too! Other than that we just hung around the house and ate steak :) I am a little tired after all the catering tho hehe