You're right. I'll see if she wants to talk I'll beat it out of her XD;; later.
[[Strike out=not able to read. I dunno either lol I'm not an HP expert either. We should RP sometime ^_^ Well, I have to go now. School's tomorrow. Leave your s/n so I can contact you! GOOD NIGHT!]]
((Hello previously inactive roommate! =D X3))
She's acting weird...more than usual.
[[REALLY?! I didn't know I had a roomate XD;; lol]
((Here. We generally assume that characters in the same house/year/gender are roommates. =3))
[Oh, I get it now. That's going to be a big room XD; lol]
((I was under the impression that it's six to a room in Hogwarts. But I could be wrong because I don't know HP that well. XD; ))
[[Strike out=not able to read. I dunno either lol I'm not an HP expert either. We should RP sometime ^_^ Well, I have to go now. School's tomorrow. Leave your s/n so I can contact you! GOOD NIGHT!]]
((sn = yinxa. That chart's also handy for screennames. =3))
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