1) Okay, it is absolutely boiling and I feel like a potato
2) Still working at school and somehow managed to hurt my back... again
I really wonder about myself sometimes
School isn't too bad I'm enjoying it and also managed to find some people who did the same PGCE as me
So got some good advice!
eilan is getting married today!!!!
4) I graduate in two weeks on 15th July... I am excited and nervous at the same time
Also, pictures... yay or nay?
Got my transcript for my degree the other day, I surprised myself completely!
5) I know fic has been long coming and I have updated in 2 months (holy crap) but new chapter will be posted on Friday/Saturday and I will send another one out soon too. With RL, exams, deaths and weddings I have only just managed to regain my muse... since the fucker ran off for a holiday in the Bahamas or something. I am so sorry!
6) Need to get my haircut before Graduation and find a white shirt.
7) Off to eat and cool down with some ice cream