David Hewlett Owns My Soul

Sep 06, 2008 15:32

As my first post back to the land of the virtually living, I'd like to post my 3-weeks-late reactions to the Stargate:Atlantis episode "The Shrine".  And so I will.

OMG. Rodney McKay is gonna kill me. Actually kill.me.dead.  I guess it'd be David Hewlett, though, right?  Yes. David Hewlwtt is going to kill me.  I knew he was a good actor, but OHMYGOD.    I actually had to pause the tv, turn on my computer, and get this thing out so I could type up just how spectacular DH is in this ep.  My good gods.  A-MAZ-ING.

{It reminds me of the first time I saw Edward Norton acting. I didn't know who it was, what movie it was (on TV), anything about the plot, nothing except that I'd never  been so impressed and transfixed on a piece of acting before; and for a decade I kept looking for it (I was, like, 7).  The only thing I remembered was the single most important line in the movie, which I'll make invisible for those who haven't seen "Primal Fear":  "There is no Aaron."    That's how impressed I am with DH right now.  ...Just thought I'd mention.}

And THEN!! THEN THEN THEEENNN!!    He calls for   -wait for it...-     JOHN.  Yeees, that's right, ladies and gentlemen, when all's failing and he needs one thing, he can hardly speak   ("I'm not. I used to be the smartest person ever. But now I'm not. So I'm "Mr."."  Yes, DIE AND BE DED),   he's more than borderline autistic-acting, and he starts to almost panic wanting John.   *fanservice FORTHEWIIINNNNN!!!!!*  This is going to be the best episode EVAR. (and I never spell "ever" that way!)

"No, n-no, I'm not anymore. I'm not s-s-smart anymore. Doctors are smart. So I'm M- Mister now."    Interesting way for me to die. Better than being trapped under water, I guess.  Death By Broken due to David -Rodney McKay- Hewlett.  Put it on my gravestone. ;\
He starts panicking, "Can't y'can't can't fix-fix me. Can't." and then, "Where'd John go? John! Where are you John?! John!" And he gets up to look for him.  This is a good time for *MEEP*, wouldn't you say?

It's Jeanie!!  YAY!  I luff her. :)
"Never been so nice."  Clue:1
Aw, John comforts Kaylee- "It's not your fault, Doc."  *makes 'that was sweet' face*

Coooool sky!!  Love this new planet.

Yes, please. With the explaining as to How.

"You want me to smack him around or anything?" heh

ha! "Nichols is so arrogant" -McKay.

Woolsey's going on about why he's going to breakfast to a poor tech. "...so there's really no point in..." he realizes "me telling you this."  "Not really, sir."  hee.

Flooded & "It's freezing!" hee. Love my Rodney.

How're they gonna get the jumper through without lowering the shield?

Oh, crap {initially I had "carp", which isn't all wrong, tbh}.  38min.
"Can't stop shivering." "That's cuz yer letting all the hot air outta yer mouth." ~ Ronan & Rodney = :D

"I think I got wetter than you."
"I dunno, I got a little damp dialing the DHD."

They're ON TOP of the Stargate.  The water's up to nearly the bottom of the top of the ring.  It's actually pretty darn cute.

Studying global warming at the foot of a glacier mountain.  Brilliant.

Aw! Sweet sneeze!  Fever?  "I dunno. I'm always runnin' somethin'."

Well, at least they've got the light of the 'gate. And each other.  And unlimited whininess to keep them awake & occupied.

{I've always wanted to be on top of the Stargate.  No, really, I have!  I've got a thing about... nevermind, SHOW!}

AWW-AAAAAHHHHCK!!  Ronan carrying Rodney : Priceless.  Rodney needing to be carried : BAAAAAAADD!!!!

John:   "I'm gonna get checked out, and then" he does this slightest of pauses & "uh"'s and makes a face with body language in tow that only fangirls will notice, but notice we most certainly freaking will,  "I'm gonna check on Rodney."  Longest pausing stare in history.  John: *runs away*

"Well, how's our boy?" heeeee!

Random Adorable Interaction:
"Like I said, we're good." Ronan
"Yeah, yeah." Kayler

He looks so cute laying there!  Little kid-like.

"Well, then, you can observe me eat, cuz I'm famished!"
"Yep, it's official. He's better."  *leg pat*
*silly grin*
--I paused to type this and when I looked up, the screenshot I've got here... my good GOD.  There is not a chance in Netu this isn't gonna be on every comm on the internet.  John's got his hand on Rodney's knee, looking at him; Rodney's grinning up at him, almost with an 'aura' of needing/expecting/enjoying the contact, at the same time not phased at all by it, like it's the most normal thing.  Kellerlee's got this smirky grin sideways-looking at John, making it look like she knows something, thinks it's adorable, and is wondering if she's gonna win that bet she made with Teyla that one of these days they're gonna slip up (preferably within the next two months, since that's when she's got her money on).  I can not wait for the screencaps on this!!--

"What am I supposed to say?"
"*small smile* It doesn't matter."

She's thrilled that he knows who she is. My heart weeps.

"Meredith is my *struggle*real name."
"It's your first name, yes. But you never liked it."
"N-n-no. 't's a-a girl's name."  :D

He repeats his name- my god. god.

"You're crying... because of me?"  Why, David?! WHY must you kill me?!

I - I think I might actually cry right now.

"I'm *struggle*  s-sick."

Oh, she's got to break down.

I'm shaking. I'm yelling (home alone this weekend) and shaking and near tears and UGHHHASDGHJKL!!!

Oh,  Oh Ronan.  OH.  And my love for him grows boundless.
He runs to what amounts to catch her. 
"I know how you feel. I felt the same way."  *stares at TV screen.  stares at computer screen. glares at writers and Jason and the gods of angst for her death*

"I just need a second. I just don't want him *gasp* to see..."
"I'll go back in, I will! He needs me, and I want to be able to say goodbye, but it's like - it's like he's already gone!"  Ohhh, the killing runs in the family, then.
"I know."
*dramatic pause of angsty drama*
"There's a way."

Oh, yes, the danger. Of course.  And how much do I love that Ronan is willing (okay, it's in his character to do stunts like this, but, come on, he's always whinging about Rodney's whinging) to do something unofficial -which is so because of said danger- just so Rodney can be himself enough to say goodbye.
--ohhh, fast forward, fast forward...--

"Remind me to register a complaint with whoseever idea this was."  He's all snarky and lovable.
"Uh, it was yours."
"Well, complaint duly registered." HEE!
OHMIGAWD! That was outloud.
"Start with my name, right?  Hey, I remembered something- yayee! "  Kinda off-side and softly said.    re: above.  totally.
This must be what David is really like. A combination of Rodney and, ya know, nice.  My gawds, I'm so loving him.
"I'm Doctor Rodney McKay. I'm the head of the science... something in Atlantis in theee, um... *thinks hard, eyes squinched closed, soft frustrated sigh*"   whispers to himself, "Oh, for god's sake."     I want to ...  I don't even...  my insides- they rebel and flail and crumble and die and ohmyGOD I want to marry this man's acting ability. Holy frakkin frak.     "*remembers* Pegasus galaxy."
"Jennifer, there's something I wanted to, um- ya know, before I..."  good thing I'm ded already, yeah?  If anyone is not COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED by this, they have no heart, they are stone, and their souls are forfeit in this thing called life.

Not- not necessarily??  How do you NOT necessarily know when Dr. Rodney McKay was infected with a FATAL ORGANISM?!?!  In his brain, of all places!!   I may be a bit hysterical right now!!   Perhaps I should calm myself before I continue!!

[[he doesn't die-- HE DOESN'T DIE, RIGHT??!]]

Renders cells dormant.  Ever-diminishing brain function.
Second Childhood.
"He's dying and there's nothing you can do-"
"No, he's dying and I'm doing everything I can." she starts to lose it.

Already showing symptoms.  Made him adorable, but not, ya know, Dr. Rodney McKay.  :(

*eats like a kid, shoveling food in, fork askew- more than usual*

"We practically dated!"
"You bought me one drink, that's hardly dating."
"Alright, so, now I'm asking you to have dinner with me *wiggles fruit cup up at her, wearing the cutest expressions since expressions and cute were invented* such as it is."
Who wouldn't fall for that??  She complies- right, like she wasn't gonna.
"Is that an invitation?"
"Only if you promise to accept." heee!

"If I wasn't so taken by the new Rodney McKay the parasite might have been small enough for me to operate on without causing significant brain trauma."

Taos? I've heard of that.
oh, "Talas"?

One last day and a quick death?? Quick death?!

"You learned to hunt when you were six years old?" heh.

"If you think that's not worth it... you're wrong."

"I owe him this!" :(  :(

"RonanDEX!" :D

"Hey pal."
"Hey John!"

He's muttering numbers.

John is crying. ohmygod.  He's watching his Rodney & is losing it.

Jeanie is kickbutt next of kin and is totally taking her brother to the Planet of Fairly Certain Doom & Gunfire & Wraithness.

"Aren't you supposed to say action or something?"

"*chuckle*Ironic, isn't it?"

pi! :D

*minimeep* "Say goodbye for me." Woolsey, you old softie.

Seriously, holy schniekies, people. I'm seriously worried.  [I know, I know, but I didn't know Daniel was going to die until after he actually died, so I've been burned before. And the universe hates me, so...]

Please To Be Noting: Here Begins The Greatest Scene In The History Of The World

Rodney's running down the halls in his jammies screaming for John like he's on fire!
"I woke up and everyone had left!"
cue: John Guilt.
Another fanservice scene, andIthankyou.  I had to watch that whole scene through (instead of pausing every time something came up that I wanted to say), and will watch it again and again until my brain has a new wrinkle in it marked "John & Rodney, The Shrine Scene".  I can not put into words this scene. can't be done.  Find it. Online, TV, breaking in to the studio and stealing a copy- whatever you have to do.

Um, on another note: does John's shirt have a panda bear on it??

"I drink beer?"
"A LOT." hee.

John is in flannel. omg.

"Pretty sure that's not it."  HAAA!!!  In LOVE. With them.
"Madison. See, at least you remember what it wasn't."
"Yeah, there's an underrated skill."

"I'm hiding it.  I've already forgotten more than some people will ever know. I know that sounds... arrogant, is that right?"
"heh, Yeah." John's like, that about covers it.

John's looking at him so intensely, using all those military skills to not explode, and is wearing a red flannel shirt.  What do I do with that?

"How's about..."  Ohhhmygod.  Hey! I think I read this fic!  ... Wait, I think I wrote this fic...  *looks around*  And, seriously, how many of you want to see the outtakes from this scene?  You know, the ones where: "How's about... a last first kiss" or something (preferably something less lame than that).  Cuz you know these guys play around constantly.  *NEEDS.Outtakes.* Sorry- got ... away.

"How's about..."  *stares studiously at his own knees, trying to get the courage to look at his best friend* "How 'bout we say goodbye now?"
And what does John say?
"No!"  Is it bad that I laughed?
"What do you mean, no?"
"I mean I'm not saying goodbye."
"Well, I'm saying it anyway!" Is it bad that I still laugh, even just reading this?
"Well, I'm not listening!"
[Seriously, I wrote this fic.]
"Pretty soon I won't even remember who you are!"
"Then I'll remind you!"
"Yeah, but, I don't want you to see me like that! I want you to remember me as I am; as your genius friend, not some shell..."
"Not happening." 
"You're stuck with me, Rodney. Just accept it."  Aaaaaand DIES.
"Yeah, bu-"
"NO!" He's got his Serious!Finger out. And that's the loudest either has been since Rodney screaming down the halls.  He goes back to the soft-argument voice, "That's final."  John is broken. You can see it.  He's got this cracked bit of him right behind that trying-too-hard shell.  My gods, these guys are incredible actors.

HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!  *IS ROLLING ON THE FLOOR HYSTERICAL*  Ohmygod! Seriously, I'm laughing so hard, I could burst something.  OH this is just the BEST episode EVER.  *JOY!FLAAAAAAIIIILLLLLLLL*

Oh. You're probably wondering why I've died another fandom-induced death.  Here's why:

McKay: (softly) Okay.
John: Okay. *goes back to beer*
   pause, pull back camera to get a wide view of the peir they're dangling their legs over, lovely Atlantis At Night shot.
Rodney: You're a good friend, Arthur.
John: *pause* *looks over at Rodney, who's looking at him*  Joe: *spits out beer all the heck over the place* *doubles in laughter*
David: *laughs hysterically*
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what I was talking about with the outtakes.  Except this one frelling made it in!!  OHMYGOD I COULD DIE.  Best. BEST!!! LOVE!!! I have to go back, rewatch, and probably hurt myself laughing now.

John: -in jumper, was remembering- *smile of remembering*
Me:  ...  ASDFdfkj;l@!)$*^@(.

Oh, god, that's right. He's sick.  I'd kinda... I dunno, forgotten.

John's watching him, and- hehe- helps Rodney, nearly forgets Teyla.

Ronan's helping guide him through the cave, he's bumping all over everywhere, can't walk right.
John puts his arm around him; and, ohgahd; he starts crying. Rodney's making that sobbing sound & my heart is making that shattering sound- it's very loud in here.

"Rodney, look at the waterfall. It's cool, huh?"  like talking to an upset, injured child.  Which, I suppose, he is.

"John!" He's being held by him and he's still yelling for him. Sometimes an arm around the shoulders isn't enough touch.  "I wanna go home now!"

Oh, oh,-- screaming??!
"Yeah, I'm here, Mere."
John: (whispers) "He's back."

I kinda just love everything about this episode. I'm so high on this right now, it's... something only you people would understand.

Oh, he's starting to lose it. His mind is going, and he's frustrated and angry and how unbelievable would it be to know you were losing your mind? To be so brilliant, so cognitive, and have that drained away from you, pulled out like pinches of cotton candy, and there's nothing you can do but watch and feel it go.

"It's okay, Rodney."
sharply, angrily, almost brutally, "No it is NOT!"  I've heard people get that tone. Usually it's when they're in a heated argument. That tone scares me.
He... he's saddened & surprised, "I don't know. How can I not know that?" 
Sees his mother in his mind, but doesn't recognize her or know what she's saying to him.  DH absolutely breaks.my.heart. in this scene. I'm just... I'm so broken.

And he's back to tactless, borderline harsh Rodney.
"You can start with what is this place?"
"It the shrine of Taolas."
"That means nothing to me."  hey! mean!
"It's the planet of the Ancestors. We brought you here."
"Thank you, Mr. Information. Since when did he become Ronan The Explainer? And why am I not in the infirmary? Huh? What am I, better? *pause* I am better."
Keller: "No, you're not."
"No, I am! This is amazing!"
Jeanie: "Mere, we brought you here so we could have a chance to say goodbye to each other.  You're only going to feel like this for about a day."
"Wwwwoah, What?!"
John: "What do  you remember?" He didn't expect himself to be talking right then. His voice sorta came out high & in a burst & he had to swallow slightly to continue.
"I remember you not wanting me to say goodbye then! Why now all of a sudden?" John does his embarrassed turn & avoid eye contact thing. "And why one day? What's with that?!"
Teyla: "It's the gift of the shrine." some gift. sorry.  Right, okay, danger, risk, one last day with those you love, blahblah.
"And then what?"  no one goes there, and mostly they try to look anywhere but where he is. "I DIE?!"
John's expression here is wrecking.  JF is really shining here.  The reaction can be more powerful than the action. Apparently.
Ronan: "With honor."
Teyla: "And dignity."
"Yeah, well, screw that! I'll just stay here."  My thoughts exactly.
Ronan: "Doesn't work that way."
"Why not?!"
John: "One, this is a wraith-controlled planet."
Jeanie: "And we're detecting ionizing radiation. In fact, we should even be standing this close to the shrine."
"You gotta be kidding me.  How could you let them do this to me?!" to Keller, who looks stricken.
"Don't blame her, she didn't even want to do this."
"Well then who's brilliant idea was it?"
Ronan: "Mine."
John: (defending Ronan) "We all thought it was a good thing."
"How could this possibly be a good thing?!"  They're all realizing their boo-boo now.  "I got past the humiliation, I said my goodbyes!"
"Meredeth, I'm sorry this happened to you, but I'm not sorry that I got this chance! Please, just try to see this as an opportunity and not as-"
"What, torture?"  Ronan starts to make his way out toward the waterfall; everyone looks ashamed; John looks actually pained.  Rodney realizes how what he's saying must feel and calms down. "Look, I'm sorry- it's just... I thought I was gonna be okay and then now you're tellin' m--  Well, do you have some sort of itinerary planed?"
John: "Well, actually, we are gonna have a big feast first."
"Last supper, huh?"
"Suits your Messiah complex."
"*thinks about that* True."

"Please don't be mad at me."
"I guess if I had to choose the people I had to spend my last day with, then..."

Yeah, Kellerlee, I was thinking the same thing.  And, actually, I was thinking that that was how it worked: it did something to the parasite.

"That's what I said."
"You said 'hmm'?"
Pure.Gold. that right there.

Ronan: "C'mon, this is your party, let's have some fun!"
"Hey, for me this is fun. Just save me some ham."  hee.

"Where're we going?"
"Hopefully, all the way back to Atlantis."  she doesn't have "Atlantis" out before he starts screaming in pain and clutching his head.  Yeah. Saw that coming. Still? My poor baby! :(
John just about decks Keller, nearly picking up Rodney and getting him back inside the cave & by The Shrine Of Good And Happy Smart Things.  And then -I kid you not- cuddles him. Seriously.  He tucks him under his arm, holding him with the other one, too, rubs briefly between his shoulders up by his neck, and keeps him steadyish next to the shrine. I want him as my big brother.

Yes, yes, the obvious radiation reaction. Tell me someone else knew that was what would happen. Please. The 'you're just an odd one, honey' looks I keep getting are quickly aging into old.

John goes to have a little chat with Kellerlee. Kayler. Yes. "Kayler". Much easier.

"What do you need?"
"I already told you."
"No. Bare minimum, what do you need?"  Difference between "need" and "are used to having and therefore are convinced of your necessary reliance on".

I love John.

"If we don't do something..."  and I'm totally expecting him to say "I'm/We're gonna lose him/my best friend" or something of that nature. Instead I get, "he's dead. You said it."

"Absolutely not!!" hee! "My brain is not some new deck off the back of your house!"
"I'm not the one doin' the surgery." I need an icon that says that.  Seriously. A text icon with that quote.
"Yeah. And as my parting advice," to Keller, "you need to stop letting these guys talk you into doing stupid things!"
"I can do it." She seems far more confident than I expected. Or than she usually is in these situations.
"Really?" high-pitched!Rodney is one of my favorites.
"And I'm fairly certain I can modify the lifesigns detector."
"Yeah, with my help."
"So help."
"Look, this isn't one of those PBS surgeries where my skull is wide open and I'm havin' a conversation...?"
"I have enough anesthetic to put you out. You're not gonna feel a thing."
"Yeah, it's probably a hammer." heehee.

"Obviously I'd get around to consenting, it's just- you've thrown an awful lot at me all at once."
Ronan: "That's life."  This will also be an icon. Guaranteed.
"*sigh* Alright, well, lemme have a little ham."  :D
John: "Nah-no, no food before surgery. *shoulder patpat*"
*unhappy Rodney face*

The Tape Of *ASDFGHJKL:"*

"Bye Jeanie.  Sorry I was mean sometimes.  *waves uncoordinatedly* Bye Teyla.  Bye RonanDEX.  *pauses*  Bye John.  (whispers) Bye."

[[okay, now I'm really getting worried.]]

It's totally grossing John out.  And yet, when it comes down to it, he's the one holding Rodney's head.

Jeanie's worried about her taking too long configuring the lifesigns detector & surgery time & immunity issues & is generally worried.

Wait. Moving? The parasite is moving? What, like, apartments or cities or is it hopping a jet to Fiji?? 
"Shown it the way out." Out? Out of his head? Yes?!   What the heck is going on??

Gun?!  YAYGUN!!!

"You could have stepped on it."
"She told me to shoot it."

Looks like a mini octopus cross bred with a Dalek.
And now it looks like a small, inky-gray-black squishy leg thing and a whole lot of burntness.  Just the way I like my parasites.  Extra, extra crispy. with a side of not-near-me.

Ronan (still holding his gun out & ready, just in case it comes back or something): "You did a good job."
Keller: "You, too."
*flirtage & mini-smiles & more underobvious flirtage*  They're just cannonballing us into a Triangle aren't they? A Triangle of angst and feelings and Rodney/Ronan/Keller-ness.  How funny would it be if, instead of duking it out over her, once it comes to that, they decide, screw the girl, and go off to shovel food down their gullets in the mess hall?  I'd love that.

Jeanie: "I'd like to be here when he wakes up."
Keller: "Well, it could be a while. He does love to sleep, our Rodney."
Jeanie: "You shoulda seen him when he was a teenager."
Rodney: "Who could sleep with all the talking?" 
hooray for snark!

"So much to spare." hee!

YEAAAAY!! The Jenifer vid!



I mean, seriously.  I- --  .....

OhKay. I was.. umm.. NOT expecting that. Not. At all.
Holy crapinabasket.

"I love you.  I've loved you for some time."

see?  You're living what I typed up there, now.

They actually did it.  They had it said.  They've made something canon.  ...  holy.crap.

And that's what they chose to canonize?!?

I mean, I knew that that's what was supposed to be said, it was all leading up to that, it's just... BUHZZZUUHHH!?

So, does/will he remember that?  Was it because he was under a sort of happy, child-like state where maybe his emotions were closer to the surface & ... all that stuff you can add to that sentence (I'm losing my mind right now, and can't think of anything more intelligible to add, even though I'm pretty sure I had more to say about this... what was I saying just now? I need to go to bed.)?  And more things that I'll probably think about later when I can think.

I'm gonna go now.


And that about wraps up this edition.  I've worked myself into a stupor and now will ease my brain into complete non-functionality by making icons and then going to bed.

Thank you and good night.


as-it-happens commentary, mcshep, stargate:atlantis

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