Sooo, yeah. Did not take into account that editing a past post kept it there (in the past) and therefore this post (which took me FORFREAKINEVER) is even more delayed in actual posting. Cuz I had it "private" until I could finish it all. bugjhaknawollid;zli. That should about cover it.
I am a lazy, lazy woman. I should be ashamed of myself for letting this post go so frelling long without finishing it. But, I'm doing so now. So, there. ;P
This is from January 5:
Well. Two days ago I was two images away from posting this. That would be when LJ decided to (for completely unknown but I'm sure inane reasons) delete everything. Everything, people. I had about 60 icons all neatly arranged and pretty and words- ohmygosh the words! I couldn't face it again until now. It was too much. ugh. /dramarant
Anyway, as I attempted (lots and lots and ohmygodLOTS) previously, I come bearing gifts! And they're not giant horses, don't worry. I've made a bunch of icons and a few of what I think are called "macros". They're silly, text/chat speak things (which I usually hate so very, very much, but couldn't resist this one time), meant to look non-professional and be goofy. That's what they are, right? If not, please inform me of their true definition.
I may have posted a few of these icons before (I'm not going through all my posts to check; I am far too lazy for that), so if you recognize that I've done so, leave me a note, please. Thanks!
So, without much further ado, a crap-and-a-half load of Heroes Icons! ::
(the next way too many are from
icecreamkatana 's Puppy!Plaude series. I am absolutely infatuated with the whole thing (look how cute they are!!), and have therefore gone a teeny, tiny, wee, little bit overboard with the icon-making out of the comics. *tries to look shamed* See?:
Mmmm... Sylar...
(these three may be used as bases; please, please ask before taking any others, though. I'll probably say yes, and I swear I don't bite hard. And drop me a note when you use it so I can see the pretties!)
(I love this picture to an exhorbinant degree. Seriously, it's not healthy to love anything inanimate this much. The scene alone caused freakin' convulsions. And this particular picture... the "shh, shh" *squeak*)
(I love Mohinder. I really do. He just makes it so easy sometimes!)
Aaaand, now for what I believe is the "macro" section of the post:
Oh! And also, this one:
For no reason other than that's what his face looks like it's saying. To me, anyway. *shrug*
Well, that's all of them! Oh my GOSH! I can't believe it's DONE!! This thing has been haunting me for a month! I'M FREEEE!! :D
And now I'm gonna go try and make the fonts for this thing better.
G'Nite, All!