Timey-Wimey Detector Goes Ding! (Keep Away From Hens)

Sep 14, 2007 21:40

I  have got to get to bed, but I felt weird just leaving without posting anything, so here I am. Posting. ANYthing. And my dog thinks I just tried to hit her cuz while reaching down for the toy she's insisting I play tug-of-war with, my hand accidentally, barely bopped her on her tiny little soft fuzzy head, and she's a spaz&ahalf, so she needs luvz.

Anyway, hmm... OH! Finally got that money order. Except (ugh) I had to explain the whole situation to my mom, who is like the Anti-Who, and they're all "we're gonna look this over and [something blah about how they don't want me to have the Season 3 box set of Doctor Who that I bought- there are so many lectures, it's hard to keep it all straight; plus, I'm zonked]" I think the gist is, they're gonna try and get me out of buying it altogether (uhhack?!), even though I actually did that already a whole lot (cuz of the not-pay-by-PayPal dramallama), and it is not a choice of action with this guy. Whatever. gah- I'm totally... I'm just *twitches, flops, shakes, whines, squeaks, bounces, whines louder, growls* . Yeah. That. It's one of those nights, I guess.

Kind of a crappy day, too. Shopping was a bust (got a cute jacket, but nothing else fit right- if it fits my butt, it's a good 3 inches out in the back around my waist; don't people make clothes for people anymore??).

Although, highlight! Doctor Who "Blink" was on tonight and was terrifying and hysterical and adorable and I kind of want to be Sally Sparrow for a week or so.

The 'rents & grand'rents & Gordon & AuntDebbie & UncleMike went to a car show (UM has a classic he shows), so I got Sci-Fi Friday all to myself. heeyay!

After the episode, I'm sitting in my beanbag chair (that is the size of a small bathroom and I LOVE it) and I practically yell, cuz I'm feeling it so much, "God, I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! You people just don't GET how much I LOVE THIS SHOW!! It makes me HAPPEEEEEEE!!!" 
Which was followed by the dogs barking for like five minutes. I like to think it was in agreement with me, but they really just wanted to do something so I'd give them a treat. Treat whores. *smooshies them*

Well, I'm getting to bed now. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. And I won't dream of stone statues. *shivvers* But I will dream of a beautiful, Janis-Joplin-gift-coat wearing, awesome shoes clad, four-things-and-a-lizard chasing Time Lord. ohpleaseohpleaseohplease!



update, grumping, doctor who, parental units

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