me oh my

Apr 28, 2005 09:37

Dear livejournal,

This might be the last time i write you before i leave...

I finished that dreaded paper yesterday and turned it in. Yay. As meagan put it ...i not only finished this semesters work but last semesters too... now that's a big accomplishment. I have a Geography final tomorrow morning at 730 and then i am done.

The big thing today is that i have to pack. I work this morning and then a double tomorrow so there is absolutely no time to do laundry or pack unless i do it tonight. It's all kind of scary because the trip is so close. I'm so excited but still a little scared. I still need to study up on some of the cities. I guess that is what the plane is for.

I have to deal with the fact that mike is leaving until the 7 of june too. He is going to Nantucket for a class. I'm going to miss him.

I'm also going through withdrawl. I have neve had to deal with people graduating and leaving before. My surrogate boyfriend and a few of my other friends are leaving. It's weird not to say i'll see you next week but instead, I hope your life goes well. I'm going to miss Keith. i mean when mike is out of town who am i going to call to watch movies with. So keith i basically don't know what to say except thank you. Thank you fo being a good friend to mike whenever he has needed you and thank you for being a good friend to me as his girlfriend. Thanks for your wisdom in all kinds of situations too. There have been a few days where i have been upset and you were there to tell me not what i needed to hear, but the truth that comforted me. So again thanks.
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