[Permissions/Basic A_F Info]
Age: Early 30s
Height: 5'9-5'10
Medical Info:
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Dark green / Black
Physical traits: Green skin, very thin, always wears sunglasses always. In A_F he has gained a cornucopia of scars that he keeps covered somehow.
Mentionable IC: Anything.
Abilities: Even though he doesn't look it, Sasha Nein is a bit of a powerhouse of Psychic abilities. One can assume due to his position as being the poster boy for the Psychonauts and the hero to thousands of kids at the very least he has the psychic abilities of Psy-Cadet rank 100 Raz and as a good number of the campers. The abilities Raz has at rank 100 are as follows:
Telekinesis: Can move objects with his mind.
Levitation: He can use this ability to levitate himself, also
Invisibility: I think the name says it all.
Pyrokinesis: The ability to set things and people on fire. With his mind.
Clairvoyance: Allows him to see through someone else’s (or something’s) eyes.
Shield: At level one, it can protect himself from damage, at level two he can uses it offensively against melee attacks and send the attack right back at the one who did it. At level three, the melee will be thrown back and damage the one who sent it at him.
Confusion: AKA Sensory Scramble. With this ability he can stun enemies or even make them attack themselves or others.
Energy projection: His mind bullets, he takes his rage and uses it to fire lasers. Something he is an expert at.
Healing: His friends lend him a bit of Psychic energy to help heal him.
Can use a Psycho-Portal to enter your mind.
He has been able to show to communicate via Telepathy even though at the beginning of the game he showed a cast of situational stupidity with not being able to get into Raz's mind but somehow was able to put a message in it later.
Abilities that have been shown in Psychonauts canon that he might have include: Herbaphony and Precognition.
He can't teleport or make others teleport like Ford Cruller can.
Notes for the Psychics: His mind pretty much seems empty.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Anything.
Can I shapeshift/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure!
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Of course, Sasha will B| at it though.
Maim/Murder/Death: Plot with me before hand.
Cooking: Pretty good cook. Prefers baking.
His 'troll/kid/HS' text:
Is light green with minimum punctuation.
-->Choice of color is to match his skin. He didn't do a good match up there.