Jul 26, 2010 09:57
1.) Has A- blood type.
People with blood type A have a deep-rooted strength that helps them stay calm in a crisis when everyone else is panicking. However, they tend to avoid confrontation, and feel very uncomfortable around people. A types are shy and sometimes withdrawn. They seek harmony and are very polite, but all the same feel that they never really fit in with others. A types are very responsible. If there is a job to be done, they prefer to take care of it themselves. These people crave success and are perfectionists.
2.) The reason why he wears his sunglasses 24/7 unless somehow they break is because he has Photophobia (sensitivity to light). He will not tell what caused it nor tell people he has it. If anyone asks, he will just say 'They are prescription.' (it is partly because of an eye injury he received during his early days as a Psychonaut (spoonbending accident) and partially because he is colorblind.)
3.) He talks to his Aunt Bernie more than his Father.
-3a.) He has yet to come out as a psychic to his father. (would you if you ever went into said person's mind and found out their private adult thoughts?)
4.) He doesn't read True Psychic Tales due to thinking it is a 100 percent rag magazine. Even though somehow he is the star of many true stories in it. He doesn't know he has a fanbase thanks to it anyways.
5.) Telepathy and Psychic Marksmanship are his two strong points.
-5a.) Telepathy is more natural to him and was the first ability he could use.
-5b.) Likes Marksmanship more though because why should you talk out a problem when you can blow it up?
6.) Can make shoes and lamps from the basics. But it will be a cold day in hell with Satan busting down the GPC with a snowplow before he makes either without plenty of begging and pleading from the person who needs it.
-6a.) The shoes only because who the hell needs to make their own shoes now a days. Really.
7.) Worked at the lamp factory from 12-16. He considers those four years to be worse years of his life.
8.) He doesn't like food he can't easily pick apart if he didn't watch or participate in the making of it (or really, really trust the person).
9.) The technological things he buys tends to break down quickly because they are cheap.
10.) Yes. Ouch. (take that as you want)
11.) Ford Cruller introduced him into the Psychonauts. He also helped make Sasha more organized mentally.
-11a.) He made him very much less Id driven also.
12.) Is a drop out (dropped out when he ran away from home). Ford made him go get a GED even though Sasha saw no reason to get one if he was just going to join some secret agency.
13.)He enjoys quoting movies. He secretly wants to have a conversation of just movie quotes one day- ideally ending with 'This is Madness!' 'Madness? THIS. IS. SPARTA! before kicking someone into a pit. But not while wearing a speedo.
14.) Nothing fits him snugly. He likes living off of cigarettes and coffee.
15.) He loves poetry and the Bauhaus style of art.
16.) His boss at the lamp factory had anger issues. So, he usually took it out on Sasha. (Because Sasha really couldn't quit to go get a new job due to him being a minor and a runaway)
-16a.) This lead to Sasha being discover by Ford when Sasha decided to let his own anger out.
-16b.) To this day, Ford jokes about Sasha's 'temper fit'
-16c.) Just one of the many reasons he hated it.
17.) Sasha likes videogames that lets him blow stuff up.
18.) He one time used a pyrokinetic cougar cub to light his cigarette.
19.) He needs Milla. She balances him out and reminds him to live. But, he really, really really wants to get her a new wardrobe.
20.) He wears T-shirts and sweatpants to bed. The T-shirts are things he picked out to offend whomever might be watching him sleep so they would think twice about being a stalker. And not to wake him up before he wants to get up.
-20a) He also wears Threadless Tee shirts. For artsy casual crap.
1.) Now that he is engaged he realizes he has no idea how to be a husband. He has never seen one in action outside of an extended mourning period.
2.) Everyone here? Boring skin tones.
3.) Sasha seriously is tempted to start a 're-arrange the facility' project. Just so he can keep his family together.
4.) The scar Allen gave Sasha makes Sasha thinks he is more butch that what he really is.
5.) Sasha doesn't take into account Kids don't tend to follow theory. *GLARES AT SAMUS*
6.) He has developed an ulcer while here and hasn't told anyone.
7.) Sasha has grown use to the foodbars and no longer find them terrible.
8.) He is still working on his apology letters.
9.) He will so ask Komui to be his best man. And Tsunade to be the backup in case something happens to Komui.
10.) He hates it he pretty much didn't get to explore Victorian London.