Nov 13, 2003 00:12
I did not know that tonight's concert (The Shins) started at around 8pm instead of 7pm. So little David here spends 2.5 extra hours in the cold outside the Gothic. Heh heh heh... I'm such a loser.
Dreamsound comes by at about 7:20 or so and she looked completely beat! She said she was not able to fulfill her promise. The show was free for me any how and I understood she wasn't feeling tip top. I hope she's ok...
Some issues concerning my guest list arose. Luckily the Vespa lady (Who donated a button to Sugarbumkin) was working box. So I got in free any how :-)
Once inside I begin looking for Virgil. To no avail I strike up a conversation with the singer of Dressy Bessy. Very very very nice lady! Then I run into the Shins and explain my guest list dilemma and they tell me that they had forgotten to give the list to the box office... So in turn they give me two free passes. Dreamsound had already paid for her ticket and I felt extremely shitty about that... I hate it when stuff like this happens. I tried calling a certain Smileywatkins and Fuzzyn19 in for the free show but neither were up to it. At least I got a few of Dreamsound's friends into the show. I still feel so very bad about Dreamsound paying...
Tammy (Lead singer from Dressy Bessy) offered me a show if I could get the drummer thing situated and agreed to play an acoustic show if it was set in advance! Hurrah! She also said that they had a recording studio in their house and could get some Ginkins demos down cheap! YAY! A real studio! Then she proceeded to show me in buttons and stickers :-)
I spotted a concert buddy I see a lot at shows and tried to say hi. He sort of blew me off though and went up stairs to get plastered. I know drinking is fun and all but that was really rude. I hate the superiority factor of being 21. You can buy alcohol and get fucked up. Big deal. Don't make it into something that has to be done just to prove your age.
The first band was... Didn't catch my attention all that well. Since I had no ride home I had to leave after Dressy Bessy. So once they came on immediately they began to rock! HOLY HELL! They are like a mix between the Beatles and The Beach Boys only with a girl singer! And she sounds sort of like the singer from April March! I swear I could just imagine Sugarbumkin standing next to me dripping seminal fluid from her panties! I must get her to see them sometime!
Alas... I had to leave. The Shins had all signed a poster for me which I was gonna give Virgil. As I got my stuff I headed out and I heard a voice in back of me telling me to wait up. It was Virgil!!! He had recognized my face! WOW!!! He came up to me and gave me a partial hug and gave me the items which were promised to me. Then I gave him his items and it was so awesome because he seemed to light up! Giving presents of any kind is an awesome feeling when it is met in compliance :-)
Then I gave him Froggy lady's flier and he said he'd make a note of it in this week's email list! YAY! Then he said when I play another acoustic show he'd try and make it! Then said he'd definitely tried to go if I got the drummer thing settled out and played a show with Dressy Bessy! Then he said I looked thinner! Wow... His disposition is so bright!
Then I came home.
I hope Dreamsound is ok.
By the way... I was asked to win an auction for a friend on Ebay and I did it with 4 seconds left on the clock! I AM TEH MASTER!!!