Mar 04, 2009 21:29
Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
These are the topics I got from Kelly
1. Navy
Probably a pretty valid thing to associate with me, it is what I've been doing for the past 4 years and will be doing for the next two. I think I consider joining the Navy to be the single biggest mistake of my life. I don't like what I do and I don't like what its done to me. It did put a lot of things into perspective: seemingly trivial things became important and some important things became trivial. One thing I have learned through out it all, for better or worse I'm still me despite it all.
2. Puzzle Games
Not a surprising topic from Kelly. Every time I go to visit Sean we end up playing some sort of puzzle game. It pretty tough to find a decent one these days though it seems. Back in the day Lucas Arts put out all sorts of just the right kind of game and each and every one are still fun and engaging to this day. Sadly the market seems to have veered away from the genre.
3. Reno
Home sweet home for the first 20 years of my life. Many people I know don't much care for Reno, but I love it there. I'm not really sure why, it just kind of grew on me I guess. The climate and terrain are just right as far as I'm concerned.
To this day when ever I see another city I stare and tell myself that none of the buildings I'm seeing are casinos.
4. Villains
I can't help it. Be it a movie, book or what have you, I'm always drawn towards the villain. I just relate to the villains more than the heroes and they look cooler to boot.
5. Wit
I'm not really sure what say about this one. A lot of people say this in one form or another about me. I guess its true. Its not something I try to do, its just the way my head works. However some confuse wit with intellect. Just because I can come up with ideas or relate abstract topics doesn't mean I know what the hell I'm talking about.