Foresight, Hindsight, and Abominable Half-Human Monsters

Jul 27, 2009 06:34

So I've been reading my Promethean: The Created books lately. I'm not sure why, either. Well, that's a lie, I know exactly why. I love that game. If you ask me, there is no more nuanced, subtle, or deeply philosophical and psychological game on the market. This game is head and shoulders better than any other nWoD game out there. It's a role-player's dream come true.

Unfortunately, no one wants to play it. And everyone has a different reason why. Most of the people I play with would hate it because it's low on the action. Or rather, action is frowned upon. At least, that's the reputation it has. It's been a regular discussion with Chris (who's running a Scion game with my former Wednesday night group) that if there was no combat, no one would bother playing.

Some people just have a prejudice against the nWoD games. I've spoken to a few people who believe that just applying a template to the basic human build isn't enough of a perk to play the game, that you can't build whatever character you want (I've had players that tried to make Special Forces agents for a Changeling game, with little to no success). I think that's sort of the point of the game; there are a lot of things that can destroy you out there, and you're not supposed to be an ultimate badass, you're supposed to be a "normal" (and i use that term very loosely) person.

Finally, I'm not entirely convinced that a lot of players would "get" Promethean. The main goal, mechanically, is to lose all your special powers and become a normal, mundane human. But in terms of the story, it's a struggle. As one of the Created, you are less than human. You're not alive, you just look it.

I guess this game just wasn't meant to be. I'm starting a new game night, and I mentioned Promethean as an option, but everyone leapt at the mention of Scion.

Someday soon, Promethean. Someday soon.
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