For your entertainment - TW BB

Dec 03, 2013 18:38

Title: Those at Home
Author: truelyesoteric
Artist: cindala
Type: slash
Word Count: 21K
Rating: R
Characters/Pairing: Derek/Stiles (Lydia & Stiles BFF)
Warning: Violence and Language (it's me, I don't know if I've ever written a story without the f bomb)

“Goddamn it,” Derek said, the flat of his hand slamming against the wall. “He’s the only one I trust to do this.”

Scott looked at him from where he was sitting, arms on his knees. The look on his face said he understood far too well.

“You have eight hours,” Scott said softly. “We'll have everyone we need by then.”

Derek nodded, then reached into the crib and picked up his son. “I’ll be here. I will be at your back.”

Scott looked at Derek and his son. “Stiles will keep him safe.”

Derek looked down at his son and then looked up. “Call Lydia. He shouldn’t be alone.”

Scott watched as Derek carefully put his son in warm clothing.

“You don’t have to come back,” Scott said. “Stay with him. Protect them.”

Derek hesitated for a minute and then closed his eyes. “I'll be at your back, so he will have something to come home to.”

Link to fic master post: Read My Fic
Link to art master post: SOON!!

So story before the story - I signed up for this. I forgot about it. I decided sure I can do 15K, no problem. I gave three people 2-4K of the beginning of three fics and it was all unanimous. They wanted the kid fic. So you get the kid fic. Blame ordinaryink waterofthemoon and clex_monkie89 if you hate it. If you like it then it was all me.

I'd like to thank jesseofthenorth for the first read through and check. waterofthemoon for the beta, even when I gave her a ridiculous made up due date.

This may be the fic that ate my brain.

fic, big bang, home, teen wolf

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