I swear, I'm going to put that statue outside my door and leave it there. It's taking up a corner of the room and reminding me constantly that something needs to be done with it. But it's not my place to use it. I don't know why Roy brought it here, other than I was the one who guided him to North Cavern. This is Kyle's plan, not mine!
I resent having the logistics of this foolhardy plan thrust onto me. I have no issue with the possiblity of protecting others, nor with the obvious fact that I do also bear a True Rune and have some skill. But I am not a planner, I am a fighter. I am the tool to be plied, the sword to be wielded, not the mind to devise how it should be done. Now that Watari has brought back no better plan, and people are fleeing the castle left and right, I no longer know what to do. At all. Lucretia's description...she was the Prince's strategist, of course she would know the full details of the true story. What she told me confirmed every dread in the back of my mind. The slightest misstep will be the death of us all. I can do nothing to stop that. I could save myself, True Lightning prickles as though it wants to prove that it can stand up to the Sun. But I can't save anyone else. Distract the Queen? Foolishness! If she could lose herself completely and kill her own husband, she will kill all of us with no hesitation.
Watari echoed Sigurd's mind - subterfuge. I still have my doubts. No one has an actual plan. Stealth is well and good, but stealth to do what? To slip into her room? To take out her knights? I have been going over and over possibilities in my mind all week and I have come to nothing. I don't have any idea what to do, or who to ask to do it.
This is ridiculous. I can't be a party to such disorganization. It reminds me of the opening volleys of the second war, when the Grassland chieftans and the Zexen knights couldn't stop squabbling with each other long enough to notice that they were being slaughtered by the Harmonian main army. The unit and I trailed along, because I pledged myself to True Fire's successor, but we didn't participate in the first clashes. I couldn't in good conscience put the lives of my unit at risk when the others were busy blaming each other for who didn't back who up in the field. So it is now. I will not put Sigurd and myself at risk for anyone who wants to rush in without a cohesive plan, or has the mistaken faith in one sole True Rune bearer and former general to lead an army that doesn't exist. I haven't nearly had time to even assess who and what we have at hand. And that sun gets hotter and less stable every day - we don't have time anymore.
I told Watari I would be at whatever meeting he could assemble. I assume it would be with any strategists around the castle, maybe one or two of the others who were there to witness the sun's birth and agreed to try to help. But I have nothing to offer them, in strength or ideas. I will give them the statue, tell them Kaiden is willing to perform the ritual, and leave them with that. I want no part of whatever crazy scheme they come up with for trying to make Kyle's plan work.
...Kyle. I have up to this point worried about him, particularly since every little bit I learn about the past use of the Sun Rune makes me think he could easily slip and get himself killed. But the only communication I've had with him was the incident in the dojo, and I'm not convinced that the entire thing was a show. If he wanted to secretly pass me a note, he could have done so without punching me. As each day wears on, and I look at the mess his little idea has left me, I have less and less faith that it will work. Something in Sigurd's tone makes me think he's of the same mind. I will not risk our lives on this. I must wash my hands of it, and take an observer's seat. If I see, at any point, a place where I may be of use, I will offer it up, but right now I'm through. This has all been dumped on my shoulders against my will. I am nobody's champion, this isn't my responsibility. I will protect the innocent but I will not dance upon the blade's edge in the desperate hope that it may prove the right path.
The rune-sun is irritating True Lightning. Its warmth is altering weather patterns, making it impossible for us to even receive rain, let alone snow, or storms. The air is mostly still except at night and the water is drying up. My Rune senses the unnatural pattern, I'm sure. That has to be why it's so twitchy. I'm trying to block it out, but it craves something and it's starting to nag me.
If anyone ends up wounded to the quick because of this, I swear I will lose my head. I reserve the right to lay blame on whoever makes the biggest mistake...even if that happens to be me. But right now I have no other alternative than to withdraw my assistance. There had damned well better not be an emergency...I'll have to come to aid if there is...