Oct 09, 2006 14:28
If he was SO disappointed with the Yankees, he should have considered putting some money into contracting some PITCHERS for this season and NOT Alex Rodriguez.. who, by the way, is the BIGGEST joke and overated player in all of baseball. Joe Torre is the best thing to happen to the Yankees and has brought more Championships to that money-grubbing scumbag in the last 10 years than not.. if I were Joe, I'd resign rather than have that selfish asshole create a bad name for me in professional ball with no just cause. He can't perform miracles with the lousy pitchers Steinbrenner has signed. That being said, I hope next season is better.. it would be sad to have to root for the Mets.
Fuck you, George Steinbrenner.. you're an asshole. And fuck you too, A-Rod.
The end.
/end rant