I’m back. Again. :-) Life is good right now. I have a new man, a new job. CAN’T COMPLAIN! I met Jason at Lima’s in DC last April 13th which happens to be my cousin Engol’s bday too. We’ve been inseparable. I’m happy. I’ve been enjoying my summer this year. We’ve been to Outer banks in South Carolina. (Camped and surfed). We’ve been to Shenandoah Valley.
We attended his friend’s wedding in New Jersey 2 weekends ago. It was nice. It was a farm wedding and he neglected to tell me this so I was one of three girls who wore high heels. Mine kept digging into the ground. It was very hard to stand up or walk around. The groom was from Africa. They had a camel there too. The bride was radiant, and yah her brother models for Diesel jeans etc., LOL thought I’d mention that.
He is so amazing. I want to go on and on about this. =P All the good qualities I admired in my exes I’ve found all in him. He’s smart and funny, he loves to dance which is mucho important, he is well traveled, athletic and most of all I admire him as a person. I am excited about this relationship. I feel so loved. The other day he asked me if he could purchase a plane ticket so he could go with me to my homeland which cost 1400. I told him to hold off. Maybe it’s too soon… we’ll see.
Two Fridays ago, we were out and about with Belle and John. My ex, the worst one, was there. I have not talked to him in more than a year. He was there with his usual sidekick. I didn’t care at all for his presence but the drunk as* came up to us, said hi to me and just stood there. Then he looked Jason up and down. LOL so pathetic.
I can't wait to go to VA beach with him. Belle is coming too.
Alright, have to get back to work. I added new pics on my myspace page.