racisim and lifestyle choices

Jun 08, 2006 13:21

I know i haven't posted in a while but i thought this would be better posted on here then my mypsace
I have wanted to write on the subject of racism for a while now. Since i am sitting back @ werk reading news i might as well voice an opinion on what i am seeing. Specifically the story from Howard Beach involving “Fat Nick”. He is currently being tried for a hate crime. He basically beat a person of color with a baseball bat who was allegedly attempting to steal his car. During the attack he allegedly used racial slurs. Now to me this does not mean this was a biased attack. The actual definition of a biased attack “Is when a person is singled out because of their race” Honestly if you tried to steal or vandalize a car and got caught mid act something bad is probably going to happen whether you are white black or from mars. Now the fact that one of the four other youths involved with the victim admitted they had come to that neighborhood specifically to steal a car should have cause the DA decline to prosecute. If anything he is guilty of assault and battery but I don’t believe a conviction should happen. If this had taken place without the circumstances of the attempted car theft then “Nick” would not or could not be defending his property.

Based on prior arrests and convictions I believe he probably deserves to be convicted but not of what he is currently indicted on. If he is this means the systems does not work properly.

People who choose to follow stereo-typical rolls set before them by pop culture and modern day society just demonstrate their own ignorance. Especially if to play that roll it is required you act against moral values and common sense. I think I have a right to feel negatively towards people who act like that. If you are adopting a lifestyle and everything that goes with it, the question remains shall you be judged by this? The answer is not so clear. Everyone is different and live our lives to different extents. I don’t believe all “thugs” are bad people, but you open the door to the negative aspects of a lifestyle. It then becomes much harder to object when someone ropes you in with the bad people.
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